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Taco Truck Bitch

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Posts posted by Taco Truck Bitch

  1. Just now, Gravitate said:


    I like this a lot lot better than the standard cover, however I don't really get all the hate it receives. I don't think it's that ugly :hooker:

    I just think the outfit doesn't suit the background

  2. 4 hours ago, Townie said:

    How I rearranged the tracklist:

    *Cape God Theme
    Fresh Laundry
    Devil I Know
    Sarah Come Home
    Rings A Bell
    June Gloom
    Love Me Wrong
    *Limited Love
    Super Duper Party People
    Susie Save Your Love
    Life Of The Party
    Madame X
    Learning In Public
    *Rising Tide

    I might just try this out

  3. I  made an album out of her leaks

    1. SLAY
    2. Americna Girl
    3. Somebody's Gonna Get Hurt
    4. I Wanna Fucking Call You
    5. Gold Dust Baby Love
    6. I Can (Totally) Do This
    7. Stud Muffin
    8. Jenny's Got a Boyfriend
    9. Unlock Your Love
    10. My So Called Life
    11. Restless
    12. Don't Get Mad, Get Famous (Snippet)
    13. Sleep Walker
    14. Stars In Your Heart

  4. 8 hours ago, Glitter Boy said:

    There was never an official tracklist, right? Nor even a draft or something? Ugh, Bonnie, we'll have to do it too I guess.

    I think this could look great:

    1. S.L.A.Y.
    2. American Girl
    3. Somebody's Gonna Get Hurt
    4. I Wanna Fucking Call You
    5. Rewind Your Heart unleaked
    6. Forever 21 unleaked
    7. Hot City unleaked
    8. Everything But You unleaked
    9. Unlock Your Love
    10. My So Called Life
    11. Right Now unleaked
    12. Don't Get Mad, Get Famous unleaked
    13. Sleepwalker (Bonus Track)
    14. Stars In Your Heart (Bonus Track)

    Hopefully soon :oopna2:

    what was the album supposedly called?

  5. On 11/21/2021 at 10:34 AM, Fireffie said:

    Random question: do you think that the ADIAML vinyl will be gatefold? 

    I really hope but the fact that it's so cheap makes me think that it will be a single sleeve :(

    all vinyl should be gateflod, there is no excuse

  6. 7 hours ago, LiFELiNE said:

    yes!!! ofc.


    OMG (2016 version for CLX2)
    This is the Jam
    You / Emergency (idfk what this song is called anymore)

    all great great songs, definitely worth checking out

    Is there a masterpost anywhere?

  7. 35 minutes ago, NeonHitched said:

    she doesn’t own the rights to any of her music. She sleeps w all her producers and doesn’t pay them

    she borrowed money from my friend, slept on his couch and never paid him back last year. 
    she’s legit not who you think she is


    this is exactly who I thought she was. A Tramp

  8. On 11/16/2021 at 11:55 AM, Charlottexseax said:


    i don't care if the re recorded tracks are gonna be bad cause we still have the old ones to listen to, im way more interested in the scrapped tracks, im willing to bet there's at least ONE sister song to I Did Something Bad

    They never say I Did Something Good

  9. 8 minutes ago, WhiteDress123 said:

    It's funny how all these tracks leaked after discovering them 2 weeks ago, while Daddy Knows and I'm Done are taking years to leak

    let's undiscover them and re-discover them so they leak in 2 weeks

  10. I uploaded CTMP on Soundcloud and got this notice. The Artist name SENDS ME


    It looks like your track

    "Come to My Party"

    might contain or be a copy of "Track 7" by Dummy Artist Name UK

  11. 35 minutes ago, Townie said:

    The deluxe vinyl officially comes out november 19, so I guess it makes sense for her to put it on streaming that date since it's a friday


    She confirmed its a Vinyl only release

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