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Moon River

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Posts posted by Moon River

  1. 14 hours ago, White Dress said:

    Also the fact that she's reworking Sticky means that if it's released, SOPHIE will probably have some credits on the song

    Wait, what's the tea on Sticky?

  2. lmaoo this is leading my down an internet rabbit hole- I was curious about who tf Emily Montes is... she has zero credited producers or collaborators credited on her Spotify yet she's definitely being orchestrated by some weirdo giving me a 100 gecs tease?


    anyways I found ha bandcamp and she's signed by some label called Sunligh Records which also has this album https://fuck.bandcamp.com/album/my-ass-is-on-fire which is literally five songs of varying lengths that is the exact same beat on a loop


    then I found this YouTube channel which has Emily on it https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRWN08bD1b7tuCLy2xKIcNg now I'm lost and confused and I don't know if this is like a new Kero Kero Bonito album or just some reddit incel shitting on the internet. thanks for reading

    Oh wow… I literally thought it was just a child messing around in Audacity but that Bandcamp page is a dead giveaway that it's a troll lmaooo!

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