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Moon River

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Posts posted by Moon River

  1. BloomForYou only said that the original demo of I Got It was a lot more stripped down than the Pop 2 version. Which seems obvious, given that it's a demo that was probably done in no more than an hour. I don't doubt she's heard it though.

  2. some of y'all are about to be real mad at me but it must be said; why has her music become so basic and safe?..like I'm really disappointed after all that time waiting I thought she was gonna come back with something so special and unique like she went travelling to japan and did all that marina book stuff but the lyrics, the production even the vocals are all so safe and grounded, this isn't the eccentric raw marina that I love. It just seems to me that her label and herself wanna try to be more public friendly and mainstream especially with dropping "and the diamonds", working with people like luis fonsi and putting out bland pop like this. I'll still give the album a fair chance but this isn't for me so far.

    I mean I also feel this way but I still enjoy the new songs, basic as they are. Musically the album is shaping up to be closer to Electra Heart than any of her other projects with all its electro-pop influences but she's not treading on wholly new ground either. The lyrics could be better but she's probably just saving the more quirky songs for the album. There were a couple of really good lines in the album trailer.

  3. her trying to argue as though the current focus of conversation on women is dominantly trans/is basically now "cis-phobic"






    her bringing up clothing colors in reference to gender "norms" being questioned in todays society and saying its mainly the trans community causing that uproar is just gross ? like just say youve run out of an argument sis

    How can this woman still have fans. I–  :rip:

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