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Posts posted by poopyhead

  1. we don't know if studios were not to be released of them...are you kidding me. round and round hey boy hey girl and no angel(on and off) were meant for xcx3

    now taxi maybe not ...though thats a crime in itself lol

  2. I mean, performing them live kinda implies so, right? They’re not like deeply personal (like that Grimes song “David,” where Grimes was like “this was not to be released” or whatever), and she performed them live so fans could hear them. Didn’t she say something like that? She knew they’d be at least video-recorded, and compared to a song even like “Can You Hear Me,” they’re like...party records.

    right lol at the very least yes literally they were meant to be heard. and she performs them more than once. ive seen round and round performed 3 times and no angel performed twice in california. it was amazing lol me and my other friend were the only ones singling along to no angel and im pretty sure she totally saw us because it was a small venue and we were in the front middle lol

  3. not every song she makes is good. she even says that in interviews. to me the majority of these kind of shit leaked songs were never meant to be heard and there is a reason for that. she knows not everything she makes is going to be heard. thats how songwriers work you have good writing days and shit writing days, i just feel bad that she had this type of leak. many demos never meant to be heard.


    exchange songs are better written and of higher quality production. also all were performed. THIS is the reason its even more aggrivating..they were meant to be heard and we havnt heard them

  4. the only songs she wanted us to hear are the ones she thought were worth hearing. im sorry but most of these old demo leaks were not great. the big reason exchange songs are of higher value is because she has already performed them live which means in her eyes they are worth it and she wanted us to hear it. 

  5. honestly...this movie is great but why does every QUALITY gay film have to have a sad ending. like for real it's fucked. don't us gays have a difficult time enough finding love...can we at least have happy ends to our films? lol why did they not end up together!!!!!

  6. https://soundcloud.com/cyberspice92


    people obviously have it... it'll be out in what a week or less? 



    i second this because we all know.....charli is for sure releasing round and round. dont leak it. its too good. she knows and i bet shes releasing it some way or another. kind of same situation with no angel.

    so yeah i second hey boy hey girl after taxi

  7. the rythm of this prechorus is crazy good 


    Oh, rookie, you're looking a little bit shaky in the saddle
    (Giddy up!)
    Admit it, you bit off a little bit more than you can handle
    (Say what?)
    I said it, forget it, I've had it, don't make me cause a scandal
    (Woop, woop!)
    I'm sorry, but you're not my type
    You're going home alone tonight

    maybe atlantic won't let her release taxi because they know it will be the end of pop music seeing that there will never be a better song in the world.....the sad sad truth and tragedy of taxi. such is the burden it carries 

  8. I'm so grateful for everything we have so far. but my life will not be complete until we get the following tracks in full HQ studio:


    -No Angel

    -Round and Round

    -Come to My Party

    -Hey Boy Hey Girl

    -Let's Make Love

    -Our Boyfriend

    -After the Afterparty (Stargate + SOPHIE Demos)

    those first five are priority  ;)

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