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Posts posted by poopyhead

  1. the more I keep Taxi relevant in this forum the more likely it makes me feel that we will get it. Are people hearing a different song than me? Taxi is sassy af. super poppy. and every part of the verse pre-chorus chorus are catchy af. the only songs that come equal is no angel and round and round.  oh and come to my party but i consider that we already have that


    can someone please agree with me?




    i might meet her tomorrow at her show and ask her to release Taxi lol but im kind of scared to

  2. Also guys.... "wanna get fucked up?" Is a kick ass song. Imagine getting drunk with your friends with the studio version of that blasting. I feel like it's one of her best songwriting. Just the vocal melody and rhythm is perfection.


    No Angel

    Daddy Knows

    Hey Boy Hey Girl

    Round & Round

    We need to hear those studio versions.

    Sorry I just needed to put those specific thoughts on it all out there.


    Side note. Come to my Party should have gotten single treatment

  3. Hey new here but been lurking for months.so I have to say ...Taxi is the best fucking song from Charli XCX. No Angel is great and all but TAXI Let's call you a taxi

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