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Posts posted by UltraHeroin

  1. I don't really like "Shades of Cool". I think it might be because of the production, I don't like the sound of her vocals.


    And I love "Guns and Roses". I like when Lana does voice layering so that song is heaven for me. 

    I don't agree with the first statement but Imma ignore it 'cause I too love Guns and Roses and I think it gets a lot unnecessary hate. The verses are great, the pre-chorus and chorus are dreamy and the bridge with the rest of the song is pure heaven with all those layers 

  2. I love the high notes also, I can feel them kicking in where that snippet of MAC ends. I'd be down for that. I really love the juxtaposition of her lower register against her high notes.

    That's literally the best thing about Lana vocally, her low notes are mysterious, dark, sultry, silky, smokey, adjective adjective, and then she comes with her angelic, opera-like, disney princess, sweet like honey high notes. That's so Lana. Trademark!  Ugh, she's just so amazing. 

  3. I want this to be the single(s?) artwork because: 1- it's iconic already

                                                                                 2- She's very laid back and she doesn't even have make-up on, so that's very fitting to the song

                                                                                 3- Her shirt saying Venice bitch is very fitting with the beach/waves aesthetic of the video 

  4. OK....I'm kinda pumped for this.. 


    It's not really grunge or psychedelic which were my ideal genres, but those were still some unrealistic expectations that I made up in my head...However, it's really folky and surfy and chill which is all that I wanted other that the 2 things mentioned above, so it's fucking great. 


    I love the snippet very much, I like the lack of filters on her voice, I like the melody and the instrumental, and I definetly love the lyrics. Better that some LFL ones for sure. 

    The aesthetics are really nice too, vintage, grainy, black and white...Like West Coast but a chiller, more laid back and relaxed version, which is great. 


    Now, I think that this song and the other are just some standalone singles to close out the summer as she said, and I also don't think MAC is Yosemite because the notes of the chorus of Yosemite don't really fit into the melody of Mac...She just probably recycled that ''candle in the wind'' lyric, because we all know how Lana recycles lyrics and has the same lyric in a lot of different songs.


    Can't wait to see what's next, this definetly got me hooked and it made me not worry for Jack anymore...I had my doubts but he definetly delivered with this production. 

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