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Posts posted by UltraHeroin

  1. Why dont we talk about the fact that MAC is so poorly mixed lmao. It sounds awful playing through my expensive speakers, it's like it's from the 1950s and not in a good way. You can also very clearly here that annoying scratchy sound behind her voice, the goddamn paper she suddenly loves to sing through. It's even more noticeable than it was in Change

    I thought my headphones weren't good enough, but apparently it's really the opposite, lol. I did hear some scratchy sounds behind her voice. They're pretty subtle during the verses, but in the chorus the sound is definetly there, especially during the ''don't go too far, right where you are, that's where I am'' part. The end of that part really scratched my ears a little bit. 

    But it's fine, it doesn't bother me that much 

  2. I hope it is more cohesive, I like how Born To Die, Paradise, Ultraviolence and Honeymoon all have kind of 1 vibe to them and you can listen to the album and create like a mood. Lust For Life you can't really as theres quite a mix of types of songs and they don't go together that well. I prefer albums in like 1 tone, so if you feel a certain way you can just play it all.


    Exactly!! That's why LFL is her most: ''..meh'' project, sorry but in terms of album rankings it falls last place...Which I don't necessarily like because it has Love, Cherry, Heroin and Get free in it but it is what it is 

  3. Whoops...so apparently I entered this thread previously but I didn't look at the number of pages and I thought I was entering the pre-pre-release thread. I found that this is the PRE-release thread just now, shit! well..


    I'm here!! Late as usual, lol.


    I am incredibly excited for this new era. Like many of you guys said, this era feels different, it feels like it's gonna be amazing. I definetly see MAC as the first track of the record, it's just perfect for introducing it. I'm seeing this next project as an 11 or 13 track album, definetly more cohesive that LFL. Basically everything you guys said on this thread so far (well, for the most part) is exactly what I'm thinking. Your minds... 


    Also, I can't wait to see the title of the album and the fucking cover!! 

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