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Posts posted by UltraHeroin

  1. ItS DEfinEtlY LIvesTrEAm


    What the fuck, there's absolute no reason why it would be livestream, it's 100% life's dream and that's the only correct answer. Period. 

  2. How did I just fucking miss this??? I'm so angry but fuck that. First and foremost I'm so happy and excited fuuuuck. The lyrics of HTD are incredibly amazing, old nostalgic and melancholic storytelling Lana is back and she's cooler than ever. And as some of you said, it's really great that we have this acoustic version of it in case the released will be with the beats. Personally, seeing how impactful the melody and lyrics are, I wish it would'we stayed a piano ballad but that instrumental on the live sounded pretty dope too. Venice bitch sounded pretty good acoustic as well. 

    I've said it before but I'm really excited for this mf album and honestly, it might top HM for me, but we'll see 

  3. Remember how Lana said that she records a song right after she writes it because she loves the song the most at that moment and so the vocals would be natural and sung with true passion.

    I think this thing is the same with her posting snippets. Right after they have a little instrumental done, like a demo, she teases the song because she loves them so much at that moment 

    Think about it, she teased white mustang a lot, which was written later, she teased cherry which was also written in like march, she teased change which was the last track of the record, she always teases the most recent tracks that she writes for an album. 


    Exceptions are HIAB and Sylvia...she probably teased Sylvia because of Sylvia Plath's actual birthday that was in about few days,and I think HIAB was one of the first songs written for NFR but she still teased it anyway 'cause the ''tour life'' lyrics were relevant at that time for her fanbase.


    But overall, she always teases the last songs that she produces for an album, or it looks so to me 

  4. really wish she was going full on psychedelic folk, but i guess she's adding some pop and hip hop into nfr

    Right?? I thought the exact same!  ''Yeah, the record has kind of a Laurel Canyon vibe, a RHCP influence, some surfy elements'' and then she teases cinnamon and HTD, 2 songs with heavy beats and pop synths. And also the 2 possible collabs with Jessie and MGK...


    Now, I don't hate these 2 songs because they do sound really great...but  :um3:

  5. I think Lana has a part of the fault too. If you want to tease 3 or 4 different songs (first of all, that's already a lot of songs to tease) and they all have piano intros don't just post the piano intro to all these songs, post a different part of the song at least for 1 song in order to make things more exciting.

    On the other hand, I understand her posting the more ''simple'' part of the songs in order to surprise us with how the songs evolve later on. 

    I think Lana could've definetly post slightly different snippets so it's not just all the same, but then again, we should not judge the songs just by their snippets, 'cause most of the time, snippets aren't really that accurate. We never know how certain songs might pick up. However, I understand your arguments and meltdowns 'cause I too was quick to judge a song by its snippet without thinking first. It's just my pessimistic reflexes coming out haha 

  6. The Sylvia snippet had me like: ''...eh'' It's not really something new, you know? Just another piano ballad it seems. 

    BUT, of course I hope, and I bet that the song evolves into something much bigger obviously, and even if it's just a full piano ballad, I think it's one of the more powerful ones. The melody is pretty deep right from the start (assuming the snippet is the first verse) and the lyrics are really good and also kinda new for Lana, I guess. I don't know they sound fresh to me, like, the phrasing and the rhyming is a bit new for Lana, in my opinion, which is great. 

    Can't wait to see what direction this song takes. From this snippet alone, it doesn't sound that interesting, but I bet it's gonna be a masterpiece 

  7. Why the fuck would she promote the song on HER instagram to HER fans if the song is for his album?? It's obviously for NFR and that's why I'm hardcore cringing at her poor decisions. Lana, wtf?

    NFR was supposed to be this great, atmospherical, surfy, vibey album, with great tracks, a rock and breezy folk sound with psychedelic elements and sweet and emotional piano moments......and then she stains it with the most basic thing she could do: a lame as fuck rap collab with a pretty thrash rapper. Wow.  And don't tell me ''You'Re BAsing YoUr opIniOn on A 5 Sec. SniPPet'' 'cause bitch those 5 seconds of lame lyrics are enough to figure out it's basic, lame and not creative at all. Don't even try, lol. 

    And it's clearly a last minute addition which is why it's even worse. She obviously had the record pretty much ready from summer. She even shot that long video with her dancers (that features in both MAC and VB but Chuck said that's actually for a longer project) and then she went vacationing all over Europe constantly, like she got a vacation after recording the whole album....now the album must be in the mixing stage which is the longest stage, which might be why it comes out next year. But then she decides to ''go out'' again and make unisnpired decisions. Great. 

  8. Some Lana fans: get offended when called out for their lack of taste because all they wanna do is ''twerk their little asses'' to Lana's music 


    Also Lana fans: 

    Tbh i would prefer hip hop and MGK collabs over another boring folk song, i seriously dont like folk Lana much at all. She made some beautiful songs back when she was May Jailor (bad disease, in wendy, a star for nick, TNTBSA, junky pride) but other than those, it's just boring and uninteresting, at least with hip hop lana you can actually enjoy yourself and twerk to it

    No offense but like... :um3:

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