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Posts posted by UltraHeroin

  1. Wow what a mess here. Typical for a LB thread. Don't worry guys, NFR will be at least top 3 in her discography... Also, LFL it's not that bad of an album as y'all make it out to be... It's just not up there with the rest of her work, but still pretty good.

    Love is an amazing song and nobody is allowed to slander it, cherry kinda lost a little bit of it's spark with time, but still pretty. Case closed.

  2. Alright, enough with the LFL negativity and let’s get back to NFR: what if VB is the at the end of NFR and the last track is... a reworked Yosemite? Beginning with acoustic guitar and morphing into a bit of psychedelic guitars like VB?

    I would really love that but...

    Everytime I read ''Yosemite'' I sigh heavily and roll my eyes. Wtf guys? Yosemite is dead, sorry to say it (it didn't even sound that good)   :oopna: 

  3. I agree with pretty much all of you. She's definetly lazy and doesn't feel like she has to do anything with her voice anymore, other than singing the most comfortable way. I don't think there's a single high-note belted on all of LFL...you know, using her chest voice. That ''to tell you that I really chaaaanged'' on Heroin comes the closest but it's not that high of a note at all. And there doesn't seem to be more brave vocals on NFR either so far. Everything is mid range, airy, dreamy and head voice; which I'm not mad about because sounds beautiful, but I wish she'd do a little more with her voice like in the past. Everybody says: I know she can do more...but can she? I feel like she can't do those types of vocals anymore after singing comfortably and taking no risks for 2-3 years. Maybe she surprises us, and I very much hope so 

  4. While you are probably right about the BAR leak basically ruining this record (or at least contributing to it), I don't think it's fair to say that it's the fans' – our – fault. It's the fault of that one d*ckhead who thought leaking a song from Lana's upcoming album was a good idea. Speaking of which, do we even know who leaked it back then?

    It just randomly popped up on a sketchy site and people saw it and started freaking out, making zippy share and pico links, posting it on youtube....so techically it is our fault too a little bit 

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