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Posts posted by UltraHeroin

  1. Wait, it just occured me.......... if Cola is the pussy's taste and Cherry is the virginity, so Cinnamon is his cum's taste?



    Yep, pretty much. ''Cinnamon in my teeth from your ''kiss'', you're touching me''  It all started with Cola, then WM, Cherry and now finally Cinnamon 

    In Cola she was calling him to her, temptating him with her tasty pussy, in WM he finally shows up with his ''white mustang'', then he pops her cherry and then she tastes his cinnamon 

    Yikes, I'm actually disgusted with myself, lmaooo, we've just peaked in boredom :toofunny:.

  2. I love how all the slut anthems begin with a 'C'





    And all of them are foods:

    ok i didnt mean it was in the same league i just meant because it's like.... also a food title i-

    Maybe because foods are something you can eat...just like pussy 

    (''My pussy tastes like Pepsi Cola'', the expression ''pop your cherry'' and ''cinnamon in my teeth'' wow, I guess Lana really loves to be eaten, damn 

  3. Then I'm gonna be more realistic, the vocals are boring (and people call LFL vocals boring? Let me laugh), the lyrics are pretty basic, and Lana doesn't even sing half of the song.

    And that's truly the best part of the song imo. Lana not singing for 5 minutes in VB is already 10 times better than Lana singing for 2 whole minutes on WM. I mean, the production and instrumental alone in VB tops a lot of her songs, and added with her hazy vocals here and there throughout it...a career highlight. 

    Lmao, we're so bored that people started coming for VB, yikes 

    Also, all of those weak points of the song don't even matter when you actually look at the whole song, the whole product 

  4. Okay, buckle up, because I've been delving into some of the symbolism of Cherry and 13 Beaches... Why? Because I think that LFL (as an album) deserves a second chance and maybe we can find something interesting in the lyrics.


    Let me start off by saying that I've tried to support my arguments with some literature (as will become apparent), so please be kind when you disagree with any of this :)


    I'd like to argue that the fruit mentioned in Cherry and 13 Beaches have symbolic meanings and that they refer to reflections on fame and Hollywood. 


    First, let's take a look at the following line of Cherry:

    What does she actually mean by this? It's hard to tell, because it doesn't make any sense in the literal sense, but if we look at the symbolic meaning, we get this:



    Now, if we interpret cherries as "the delights of the blessed" and peaches as "the quietness of virtue", we could argue that what Lana is saying is actually:

    "I'm blessed to be famous because it gave me a lot. I try to stay out of the public's eye, but paparazzi always seem to find me", i.e. her delights and quietness are ruined.


    Moreover, her "rose garden dreams" (or how she pictured what it'd be like to be a famous Hollywood star) were not as carefree as she had imagined; the reality is that "it's like smiling with the firing squad against you" and that "you just stay lined up ('cause what can you do?)". With the firing squad possibly referring to paparazzi or camera men at red carpet events. 


    Next, let's look at 13 Beaches:

    13 Beaches seems to be a continuation of the same themes in Cherry - her struggles with fame and Hollywood. Whereas in Cherry her cherries and peaches were completely ruined, in 13 Beaches she seems to be more accepting of being photographed, but we shouldn't forget that her peaches are in fact "dripping".


    It's as if she was saying first "Leave me alone", and now she says "I still want to be left alone, but alright, sometimes you may go ahead and take your pictures". 




    Sorry for the essay, I kinda got lost in my own thought process lol, so it might not seem very coherent.

    whoa, I just love your theories, this was fun to read

  5. I know some of you are excited about Cinnamon because it's catchier and it's new, we've heard snippets, we are intrigued... But let's not jump to conclusions. We've already heard a minute and like 20 seconds of Cinnamon and is not gonna top VB at all, don't fool yourselves =))))) the production sounds pretty basic and even quite cheap at times and the whole chorus just feels pretty uninspired.


    To be honest, spilling some real honest fucking tea right now, y'all definetly love it so much because when the chorus kicks in it is similar to one of those Melanie Martinez/Billie whatever ''bops'' and you don't like to admit that because you say you've evolved with Lana in time too, but you actually still like your old, cringey taste 

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