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Posts posted by UltraHeroin

  1. WHAT THE FUCK, I'M NOMINATED FOR BIGGEST LANA HATER GIRODWSJDGFKFPOWSFDGKF  :defeated:  :defeated:  :defeated:  I didn't even know!!!! I gasped so loud when I saw my username. Thanks guys I really appreciate it. I love y'all so much  :rollin:

    Hey, remember when somebody said that me and you were some of the best new members at that time...you might keep that in mind for one particular category, just saying

  2. um how do i change a picture size in my signature? its uploading rly big

    Just search for a smaller size of the image you want to put. Right-click on the image, press ''search image on Google'' and the option to see more sizes for that image should appear there somewhere

  3. ALSO: I'm not discrediting anyone, just simply stating as growing individuals who want be the best we can be, try hearing someone out before mocking them. Even if you don't agree with them afterwards, the beautiful thing about being our own people is we get to believe whatever we want! Isn't that exciting, that you get to choose your own path and others get to as well? So don't muddy up someone else's day trying to be hateful or ignorant, just have a debate, and realize it's not that serious guys. You can't make a meal with one spice, so how can you expect the world to have one view on things? That would be honestly so boring. It's great to have your ideas on certain things, but remember to always keep an open mind, at least if you want to be part of the growth! :heart:


    On a side note Lana better release something before we start talking about who's a democrat and who's a republican and which religion is better if any are even good :thumb3:

    This is your 666th post...just an observation lol

  4. yosemite could very well be released in some parallel universe, maybe theres a universe where lana is dancing naked at the top of it crying to walt whitman... who knows? maybe theres a universe where u begin to hate it? wHo KnOwSsSsSsSsSsSs

    I also have never understood how some people actually take ''parallel universe'' into consideration when theorizing about stuff. The structure itself implies that there are multiple universes, ours, and a separate parallel one, which doesn't make any sense. All of those highly scientific explanations with those big ass words are just overreaching. 


    Actually, I thought of a counterpoint to my post lol =))) We don't know if the universe actually ends or not. It's not proven that the universe is limited and it's not proven that the universe is endless either, so I guess you could say that?..to some extent?..Still, I think it's a pretty big reach to say there actually is a parallel universe

  5. The earth being a sphere is pretty much a solid fact at this point, It's been proven many times along the years through multiple types of evidence. 

    ''2+2=4...hmm, but how can you know for sure that it equals 4, I kinda doubt it a little, I'm 50/50'' .....


    I completely understand where you're coming from, I absolutely LOVE conspiracy theories and all that kind of stuff, but you gotta still be somewhat rational 

  6. Change is the bridge from her dark past towards her positve mind set. Its her epiphany. There would be no Get Free without Change. I think ya'll underestimate the importance and beauty of that song

    Get free was written a lot of time before Change. Heroin was also about personal change in a way plus reflection of the past and again, written way before Change. So your point is invalid. Change was like an addition that did not contribute much and did not need to exist. It's just a track Lana felt like putting out because it was tying into the already established lyrical concepts. Plus, it's not that amazing sounding and gets old and stale after a couple of listens and it has those slightly political or rather socially aware ''woke'' lyrics thrown in there which don't fit that well.  Don't get me wrong, I like the song, I enjoy listening to it from time to time, but it's definetly not one of her best or one of the classics. 

  7. :party: Congrats for the nominations guys! It's lovely to see some under-appreciated members getting recognised!  :party:


    Justice for...


    @delreyfreak - I think I speak for most of LB here when I say thank you for liking everything and even though you don't post much, when you do, your posts are a pleasure to read! 

    @Tragic Rabbit - I love that you are not afraid to speak your opinion and are always honest!

    @bored - I love your contributions (especially in the Charli thread) as they are always well-said and thought out!

    @Hundred Dollar Bill - the mum of the Charli thread, you always have a level-head and are the voice of reason! You also have amazing taste, Babygirl is THAT song!

    - you are one of the nicest members here, and have amazing taste!

    I second this 100% with the additions of @@WildMustang @ @@alejxndro and you, all such awesome, nice members 

  8. I honestly think she was teasing those pictures because they're apart of the album, are u talking about the mcdonalds pic? because even that picture i love and it would look great at the back :defeated:

    No, not the Mcdonalds one, although yeah, that too was a great picture despite people hating the Mcdonalds sign. I thought it was actually pretty authentic


    I'm talking the other one. I don't know how to fucking put it here. Just scroll past the mcdonalds one on her IG and is pretty close. It's a polaroid style with some white-gray mountains and a blue sky 

  9. Just listened to all the singles with the picture of her at yosmeite next to the american flag attached to the songs and wow, just looking at it while the music plays is beautiful, it 100% needs to be the album cover. PERIODT

    Yesss to this! That is 100% cover material, it fits the vibe and aesthetic of NFR perfectly and it's just an awesome Lana picture. I said it before but, the back cover being that picture with the mountains and the blue sky, with the tracklist over written with some light cream or blue or green, ughhhhh. Honestly, I might make that concept for myself lmao 

  10. I say we wait for the big post 'cause It has so much more value as a whole post with all the nominees , rather than a post with 2 random categories you know what I mean. It brings much more momentum and grandeur if you will 

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