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Posts posted by UltraHeroin

  1. My first introduction ever to techno music was Traumer and his stuff is slower and more mellow and experimental, he plays with lots of interesting sounds and from there, the other techno tracks that I listen to are in the same vein. So I got a bit surprised to find out that actually techno music is mainly that really fast paced hard beat. 

    I guess I'm actually listening to the slower, more alternative and underground side of techno which is 10 times more up my alley than the classic techno

  2. I forgot to told you guys I watched it a couple of weeks ago and I loved it so much, I'd wish it was longer but still great.

    I was lucky to find it quickly, I watched it too and I agree, it could've been longer but it was incredible nonetheless

  3. Just to let you know guys, because I can actually talk on it, publishing a book takes around 2~3 months. I've published two books already. It's not that simple even if everything to do it is okay. It takes time cause there are a lot of steps to follow. So if she finished her book at the end of December, it could only be out around March. And it could even take more time because of how she's gonna sell it.

    Thanks for saying this. Now the situation is less confusing

  4. My fave artist has been dead for 22 years sis, Lana is just lazy. Plain and simple. It's not about us being ungrateful, we just would like some steady news to hold us off until the release and she can't even give us a quick little update on things.

    And even if she does, she's not coherent and to the point at all and leaves everything hanging. I said it before but she's become really annoying with these album releases. It would be better if she would shut up and start talking about an album 2 months before releasing it, not a whole fucking year

  5. Rihanna doesnt care about her music carrer anymore but at least she is making make up and underwear.. Lana is curing gays on church, having a good life with the coins she earned with BTD and dont give any fuck for her fans :toofunny: :toofunny:

    The 3 year Anti anniversary kinda brought Rihanna back into the pleasure of music I think, she posted some nice words on her Instagram and twitter that were encouraging towards making music and I can't wait to see what she comes up with because it seems she's going for more unique sounds and she gets involved more in her own albums since Anti. She's coming in 2019 to end all these bland basic pop ditzy heads. 


    Sorry, this is not the Rihanna thread but I wanted to say it

  6. Yes, I don't think the album will come on March 29th at all, but what really confuses me is why the hell aren't we getting the album at the end of February-start of March at least. It's fucking finished. Why the hell are we getting it ''mid-year'' when she can release it now? Literally the lead single next week with the preorder and artwork, another promotional singe like 1 week or so before the album, maybe revealing the tracklist too, and then the album. Is it that hard?

    I agree... Like she clearly has a video for HIAB... Just drop it as a lead single alongside the music video next week, get the album pre-order out this month then album early March.

    But didn't she say she just finished the poetry book too after 13 months or so of writing poems? Anyway, it would be really cool to release the album and the book together

    But didn't she confirm the book was finished? Surely they can put it up for pre-order or confirm a release date for the album

    We're literally reading each other's minds lmaoo  :judgingu3:

  7. Someone said it a few pages back and i can’t rememebr who but they mentioned the poetry book having to do with the delay.The video she posted and hid on insta kind of made it seem like it was a package deal in my opinion.

    But didn't she say she just finished the poetry book too after 13 months or so of writing poems? Anyway, it would be really cool to release the album and the book together

  8. Yes, I don't think the album will come on March 29th at all, but what really confuses me is why the hell aren't we getting the album at the end of February-start of March at least. It's fucking finished. Why the hell are we getting it ''mid-year'' when she can release it now? Literally the lead single next week with the preorder and artwork, another promotional singe like 1 week or so before the album, maybe revealing the tracklist too, and then the album. Is it that hard?

  9. I don't really like Lana's personality all that much and I never really have. Like obviously she's sweet and kind, but she has an airhead quality to her that's hard to ignore.

    Her artistic persona is amazing, and her writing and music is top notch which cannot be topped nor compared, but her as a person....eh.

    100% agree with this

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