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Posts posted by UltraHeroin

  1. I mean, she never really said that her album was going to arrive anytime soon. She just kinda mentioned it like: ''yeah, and I have a new record in the works; this is the last song we've added on the new record; the new record is done'' So basically, we fooled ourselves by thinking the album was coming.

    However, all the hints pointed towards that (including her literally saying VB was the lead single like wtf??) so did we really fool ourselves? mmm no. Lana is just the biggest mess ever...again

  2. Honeymoon outtakes definitely exist. In an interview from the Honeymoon era, she said she wrote about sixteen tracks and pared down to fourteen for the final tracklist. 

    What if one of those 2 was the old demo of BPBP. From what I know, it was registered in 2015 and it wasn't meant for LFL, because Lana said the first track she started with for LFL was the title track, which was after BPBP was registered...hmmm

  3. Sure that's fine and I rather not wanna have to do this w you, but that's not what I mentioned when it came to u thinking of umbrella conceptualizing as something you might've seen as obvious as something when I knew what I wanted to see from what I heard from the music (which of course isn't gonna synergize w other folks I know), but just wanted to let you know that I disagreed with how u might've possibly thought that that's how I came up w the pink w the tinges bc I didn't 

    Oh okay, I feel bad for how I phrased that, it was kinda mean, I'm sorry 

  4. And again, these pictures really consolidate the aesthetic of this era which I like very much.


    Btw, it's not pink at all. Y'all just saw a strand of pale coral-pink in that first picture she posted and are losing your minds, calling for intense pink, and the goddamn pink vinyl. It's like you just wait for her to post the tiniest dash of pink and then get overly excited and go on to say the whole aesthetic is pink with some tiny earthy elements when it's really the opposite LMAO, anyway, I know you guys will reply with one of those lame comeback jokes so I don't even know why I bothered with this post

  5. My point was that if Lana showed you the HBTB artwork and the SB artwork (but didn't mention names) and said which photographer should I work with, I'd chose HBTB any day...

    Yeah, obviously...because the HBTB photo had a majestic blue ocean and slightly purple-ish sky as the background on a cool balcony and Lana was wearing beautiful clothes. In the SB photo, she was just sitting on a random rooftop wearing a black shirt. It's not Neil's fault that Lana has become lazy as fuck with her covers and just takes photots wherever, dressed in whatever just to get it done. 


    Imagine what Neil would have done with that same HBTB picture..oh my 

    Yall talking about Chuck and Neil when the real bitch Nicole Nodland should shoot the cover

    Nobody wants that photoshopped baby doll mess

  6. Wait now everybody wants HIAB?...the fuck? 3 or 4 days ago y'all desperately wanted Cinnamon. And I get it, both seem to be good songs (although not amazing or anything like you make it out ot be) but we all know In your car is the better snippet come on now. 


    Meh, I guess she really should release one of the 2 because we've  basically heard them in full by now lmao, that way we'll still have more fresh songs when the album releases

  7. Like many people have already said, keep the current layout because it's very good and we're all familiar with it. Maybe just tweak some elements where there's room for improvement but don't change the whole thing.

    A new pre-NFR theme sounds awesome and I see people already have some great suggestions for it. I'm down for the customizable theme thing Peroxide suggested above but it's not that necessary so it wouldn't be the end of the world if it doesn't happen.

    Also, it would be nice to create an easier way to embed videos and tweets and stuff like that.

    Other than that, I don't have that much to say except thank you very much for putting up with us and working hard to mantain this site so we can have this great place and opportunity to talk about our favourite artist, you're the best

  8. Because sometimes the artist is only about the music and prefers to focus on that. I find it hard to believe that every artist are taking part in the merch development and decisions, maybe they just have a final say or something on what to sell and with what print after getting some suggestions. Maybe.

    I’m not saying that Lana is like that because I honestly have no idea. Maybe she is like what you wrote.


    Merch is a way to earn more money and for fans to get something to take home, like a souvenir if you’d like. I don’t think all artists see it as a part of their art.

    Lana is definetly like what I wrote, it's pretty obvious.

    But yeah, I agree with you, there are definelty tons and tons of other artists who are not involved in all that kind of stuff  which I find to be pretty sad. 

  9. I don’t think she even has to come up with ideas herself, because I’m guessing that big bands and solo performers have their own staff to come up with merch ideas or designs to re-print on shirts and tote bags and pins etc.

    But yeah, maybe Lana doesn’t have such staff (or doesn’t want any?) since she likes to come up with ideas herself... at least for music videos.

    If I was selling merch It would've been 100% my ideas...if your management is doing merch for you then what is the enjoyment? It's like art, Lana writes her music herself mostly, she doesn't let anybody write for her, 'cause if she did, what would be the enjoyment of performing it? pretty much none. Everything she gives us comes from her heart and that's the only way an artist should make art. Imagine hearing people that they love your merch but you had no creative contribution to your own merch...that wouldn't feel good

  10. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harvey_Weinstein_sexual_abuse_allegations#Accusers it goes back to 1998. But you know what, whatever. Maybe she didn't really know and we're really jumping to conclusions so yeah not arguing today lol

    Literally nobody in the GP knew about Harvey's doings until a few years ago. If people knew right from 1998 he wouldn't have been so succesfull still, the story would've been much more different. But nobody knew, including Lana, so your point is invalid

  11. Lana has no idea about all that fucked up past of that church, and she did not join the church or whatever either. Stop jumping to the worst conclusions ever. Typical for you guys.

    It was probably more like a show were a choir sang and that was it. And I guess celebrities regularly go because that's a thing I guess, they get invited or whatever who knows. Nobody randomly googles a church to know if the church did fucked up shit in the 1450's come on now. 

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