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Posts posted by UltraHeroin

  1. This album is going to be fucking amazing. That intro with the strings is some of the most peaceful and beautiful things she's come up with in a while (since like VB lol). I feel like the song goes on much bigger that we hear in the snippet, it just sounds like greatness. Also, it's only my second listen so I'm gonna go ahead and stop because I don't wanna ruin such beauty.


    I really see a cohesiveness in sound and storytelling throughout all of the songs she released and teased so far. NFR is not getting the messy LFL treatment and we shall fucking celebrate that.


    NFR is like the perfect combination of her whole discography:  the instrumentals of the album (from what we've heard so far of course) are the perfect combination of UV and HM which are obviously her best records to date, so as a result, an even better record comes out. Also, the lyrics are mostly reminiscent of old Lana, like AKA, BTD, Paradise, and that's great 'cause I feel like she's the best at these type of lyrics, more storytelling and imagery, it feels authentic and true to her. 


    The best part is definetly the fact that both the music and the lyrics are shrouded in a subtle veil of maturity and clearance, this nostalgia that she conveys feels pretty new and fresh and it's just amazing. 

  2. Guys, I'm tipsy and I feel like the letters are slowly spinning, i'm gonna go to sleep and recap all that happened tommorow. The snippet came in the middle of the party, I had to go alone on the kitchen floor in a corner near the bin to listen to it :toofunny: coming with fresh thoughts about this tommorow, hope you had a good new year celebration.

    Omg you probably don't even care about all this but whatever =)))

  3. She wanted to be the embodiment of this gif this era


    I feel like this is Lana's whole damn life concentrated in a gif =)))

    I think it is too... but I really love heavy and emotionally charged ending tracks... I think Yayo on AKA and Get Free were amazing choices....

    Shit, how have I never noticed it... Yayo is Lana's best closing track on an album (AKA) no doubt. Get free comes close but just not there

  4. Controversial, but I actually like the cover that we got for UV, the original pic seemed a bit too loud and upfront, and actually, at least for me, felt a bit flat bc of the lighting and didn't really feel like it could've encapsulated the charm UV had. The muted gray on the cover felt like a fucking silent scream, and how faded yet controlled it looked pixel wise, and how the light escaped thru the foliage from the back, with her standing out of the car, felt more dreamy, and mysterious, which gave the record's aesthetic more of a slowburner feel like how Cruel World opens it. 


    The alt cover felt like it was to pandering towards some kind of false edginess with the centeredness of her head, that she didn't really need to have proven. Also, it looked less elegant and didn't have all that much magic to it, even if the cigarette was being ignited. Didn't really have that staying power, unlike the cover that we actually got 


    I legit don't know why people are so obsessed with that cigarette photo, it's just plain and ugly and nothing special whatsoever.

  5. I think we are forgetting that by ''deeply introspective thoughtful sad girl shit'' she actually means songs like HIAB, HTD, Sylvia, VB and MAC....so maybe not that introspective after all huh 


    ..Actually I take that back partially, the yrics on HTD and MAC are great and they seem to be good on Sylvia too...hmm, I gues we'll see how deep she goes on this album but nonetheless, I'm excited

  6. Why does everything important happen when I'm away? January 8th is pretty close so I can't wait for that. I'm so fucking excited hearing the album is deep and introspective, that's what I've been wanting from her. This albums really looks promising to be probably her best but it's hard to top UV so we'll see.

    Sidenote: her baddie instagram, YT vlogger thing was funny for one second, then it got mad cringey. Lmao if she's really gonna watch Trisha, I wish we could see her reaction =))))

  7. its a shame that cherry is actually a forgotten masterpiece... I remember when yall called it the best song on lfl and now no one cares about it...


    cant wait for the same thing to happen with cinnamon

    That is Heroin 100%, I don't know what you've read but they are wrong



    does burnt norton count tho

    Hell yeah hoe

    it's boring and unnecesary tho u ratty

    Its art,

    A true masterpiece


    You illiterate tastless heaux

    its not, its a filler u fat bxtch (boom boom)

    Cracking the fuck up to this interaction =)))) 

  8. I feel like this era is more chill than LFL because LFL had the whole Love leak happen then everything felt rushed?  Like I know it's really slow right now and Lana shouldn't have released those two singles so early on but I feel like in January everything will pick up with interviews, shoots, another song etc. And at least we have a solid release date unlike with LFL where we all spammed Ben's insta comments asking for the release date.

    I feel like this is the 78th time I read this on this thread

  9. Ugh she could have released Hey Blue Baby as standalone track ):

    exactly! -It wouldn't be on NFR and ruin the cohesiveness (although even if it was on the album it still would've been cohesive)

                 -it would be still part of the era since it's quite representative as a song

                 -along with stupid for feeling so happy, both would have been the best standalone, cute winter singles to carry us over the holidays


    But it is what it is I guess

  10. 1. How did you discover Lana? When and What Era? 

    I discovered Lana through Tumblr. I really liked a girl youtuber from my country, she's really cool I follow her to this day. And she promoted her tumblr on one of her videos one time and I didn't know what that was (this was probably 2014) so I clicked on her blog and it was amazing, I fell in love with it and that led me to make a tumblr account 1 and a half years later. The first thing she had on autoplay at that time was Lana so that's how I discovered her. It's important mentioning that this is when I discovered her, but in time I forgot about her until towards the end of 2015 I looked up her tumblr again and heard the song again and I remembered that I really liked it so it was late 2015 when I actually got into Lana's other music and became a fan.


    2. First song(s)? 

    The first Lana song I've ever heard was You can be the boss, it was the song on autoplay on that girl's tumblr.


    3. What did you think? 

    When I heard it I was like, ''whoa what music is this?'' 'cause I was just listening to what was on TV at that time in my life so I didn't know much :toofunny: The song was very low key, very chill and seductive in a way. Her voice sounded so hot it literally seduced me and I immediately pictured her to be a very sexy woman, very beautiful and elegant and all that shit. I read her name and was like ''damn I bet she's one of those underground singers that only cool kids listen too'' -and I was pretty much right lol- and then I became a fan.


    4. Your favourite song(s)? 

    My favourite Lana Del Rey songs are: Shades of cool, Heroin, Venice bitch, Honeymoon, Yayo(AKA), Video games, West coast, Freak, Cruel world and another UV one (I really can't choose between Brooklyn baby, Sad girl, Black beauty or Flipside so I'm listing all 4 of them lol) 


    5. Least favourite song(s)? 

    I don't really think about how I don't like some of Lana's songs, I only think about the good ones, but I think that I enjoy the following songs of hers the least: Coachella, BPBP, GBA (Yikes, sorry LFL) 


    6. What song(s) "grew" on you? 

    I don't really have an answer to this. Songs usually don't grow on me. Like, it never happened to me to be meh about a song at first but then, in time realizing that it's really good. However the reverse happened many times, when I think a song is pretty great but then I end up listening to it like once a year lol. 


    7. Whats your favourite Lana era as of now? (May Jailer, Lizzy Grant, Lana Del Rey) 

    My favourite era is Ultraviolence


    8. Favourite Album(s)? 

    Ultraviolence, Honeymoon


    9. Least favourite(s)? 

    Lust for Life, Born to die


    10. Favourite song preformed live? 

    Body electric, in Berlin at the Citadel music festival, 2014, favourite live performance ever. Million dollar man live in Carcassone, 2014 comes in really close. Another reason why 2014 and the UV era is my favourite, she had the best concerts in 2014.


    11. First song/Album purchased/Downloaded? 

    Fisrt song downloaded was You can be the boss, first album was Born to die 


    12. Favourite song quote/lyric?

    Favourite song ever is Shades of cool. For the lyrics, I don't have a favourite one but I'm gonna list some ones that I really really like and relate to

    ''I'm flying to the moon again, dreaming about marzipan, taking all my medicine to take my thoughts away'' 

    ''I wanna move out of the black into the blue'' 

    ''Finally I'm crossing the threshold from the ordinary world to the reveal of my heart. Undoubtedly, that will for certain take the dead out of the sea and the darkness from the arts''

    ''The power of youth is on my mind, sunsets, small town, I'm out of time''

    ''My father's love was always strong, my mother's glamour lives on and on. Yet still inside, I felt alone for reasons unknown to me''

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