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Posts posted by UltraHeroin

  1. Also, I am with the people for a longer tracklist and here's why. Tipically, Lana makes albums that are cohesive, all her albums (except LFL) are cohesive and focus on one thing, one sound, one vibe overall.  So if NFR is like that, (which is most likely) I would like 20 songs please. You can always select the songs you like the most and also, on a cohesive album like that, you're not gonna skip more than 2 songs on a full listen so if 1-2 tracks are different it's not that big of a deal at all. Lana proved us with UV, Honeymoon and even BTD that she can do awesome long cohesive albums. (I counted the deluxe tracks for UV and BTD obv) 


    However, if she decided to write about multiple subjects on an album, like politics, personal change, love relationships, and fan interaction (like LFL), and collaborate with 10 people who each come with their own influence and if all sorts of sounds are implied, then I want a 10-11-long tracklist album, simply because LFL turned out to be a fucking mess that I don't even listen to anymore. The only LFL tracks I still listen to are Love, Heroin, 13 beaches and Cherry. 

  2. Do you guys listen to a whole album when you wanna listen one song in particular? I don't care about cohesion because at the end of the day we all listen to her music on shuffle. Having a cohesive body of work is nice, yes, but it doesn't really matter if you'll end up listening to Venice Bitch and then Cherry and then Radio and then Religion and then Flipside :rip:

    No, because that doesn't make sense. If I want to listen to Old money for example, why would I go on and listen to 9 other tracks before that?  


    I actually don't listen to Lana on shuffle. I mostly listen to the full albums. The only times when I play her on ''shuffle' (it isn't quite that) is when I'm hanging around on Youtube and a Lana song appears as recommended (like VB) and I go to listen to it and then I would listen to 2 more songs that get further recommended from her( like MAC and WC), but then I tipically stop. Sometimes the whole UV tracklist gets slowly recommended with each video and I end up listening to the whole album, lol.

    However, I've never really listened to Lana on shuffle. Even when I'm binging on youtube, I always  consecutively listen to songs that work together and that are likely from the same album. 

    Listening to WC, in my feelings, born to die, old money, young and beautiful, diet mountain dew, honeymoon, FMWUTTT, and so on is just a fucking mess and I personally could never. 

  3. I'm pretty sure Lana is forever in my heart. She just can do no wrong with her music it's incredible. I can't picture myself ever forgetting her. Even when she's not releasing anything and isn't active at all, she still lingers in my mind (hence me staying so much on this website), she'll just be always there. 

  4. I have a feeling she hasn't done any photoshoot yet. She's still using the Lust For Life promotional photos for next year's festivals. Common Girl u can do better :toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny:

    Same...like...shouldn't at least one photoshoot in a magazine be out already? like...with Love released in February towards the end of it, we then had magazine shoots in march...But 2 (almost 3) months passed and, nothing. And you're right, she didn't even shot some promotional pictures at least. She's still using the LFL ones. Is she gonna do any magazine photoshoots at all, wtf? 

  5. im still going to assume its fake as of now cause i find it unlikely she would have an album cover without her face on it

    Well, it is fake. There's no assuming going on. It's just a photo she posted. Desperate fans jumped to conclusions (as they usually do) and started saying that this is probably the album cover.  Or they were just joking and making edits out of pure boredom because...it's been really dry lately

  6. Wow, that looks so good and cozy. I would love to live in a cabin like that. Also, this is the closest she'll get to a trailer, shit, Lana truly coming back, full circle to being her true Lizzy Grant self  :poordat:  

  7. Guys, she started disabling comments on Instagram since the lame video of her wearing cheap-looking pink earrings and rings while she was vaping and listening to God is a woman I believe?...so yeah, I think it doesn't mean anything

  8. Has she forgotten life is beautiful exists? She's been locked up so much longer,


    yosemite will have to wait

    Lol, Life is beautiful was produced only for the movie, and not even the movie, only for the trailer of it. It might just be a 1 and a half minute song and it belongs entirely to the company that made the film. And I think Lana just doesn't want to get in all the things she has to do to get her song to her label or something so she could release it, just because a tiny group of  people in her fanbase want it. And she definetly forgot about it.

  9. If this family trip to Yosemite National Park didn't remind her that she owes us a track named fucking ''Yosemite''  then I don't know what else is possibly gonna bring yosemite back from the dead.


    I've been joking here and there that Yosemite is dead as fuck but it would be nice if we truly got to hear it. And if this is a sign that maybe, indeed she remembered of its existence, then I'm down with that 100%. But we shall see, we know how much of a gemini Lana is. We know how she says stuff and then forgets it so let's keep this in mind

  10. Great idea, here we go: 

    -The amazing climax of SOC, that fucking crazy solo guitar that drives me nuts every time I hear it, with her deep sexy vocals underneath ahh

    -The climax of WC with the synth over the slow chorus full of smokey vocals and hazy guitars

    -The last chorus of Cruel World

    -Heroin, from the last chorus till the end 

    -The very last chorus of Freak it's just soo goood

    -The ocean sounds in Get free

    -The ending of 24 (from when the big drums and trumpets kick in and she sings stronger, all the way to ''you're hard to reeeeach, you're cold to touch'' and even the last hummings at the very end

    -Kind of all of Honeymoon (the song)

    -The orchestral ending of OTTR is legendary

    -The final angelic vocals of GKIT

    -ALL of Yayo, especially the ending (aka version of course) and also all of Mermaid motel, the demo version

    -The bridge in MPG, when she sings ''dope and diamonds'' over those firing guitars

    -the ending of MAC, again with the guitars. Also, the part where she sings ''baby, baby, I'm your man, yeah'' uv style

    -Pretty much all of VB, ugh, what a blessing to have this song

    -The bridge of sad girl. Also, those little guitar ''adlibs'' in the verses are really cool

    -The drums in Black beauty (the album version) 

    -The outro of Guns and roses, all of those crazy layered vocals are heaven

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