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Posts posted by UltraHeroin

  1. "no omgNO" - Lady Gaga


    Have you listened to Bleachers? His production on Bleachers' records is INSANE and I think that his production on NFR so far is brilliant for what it's meant to be, a chill, psych-rock, summery vibe.

    I always love it when people say this 'cause that's what I want the most from NFR, but the only song that fits chill psych rock is VB, the rest is just piano :toofunny: MAC barely has a little psych rock solo at the end but apart from that... HTD, HIAB, HIADT, Cinnamon, all are just piano basically :defeated:

    I really hope In your car explodes in some crazier guitars and that the other songs are more psych rock as well, please Lana

  2. QtlSijE.jpg



    i have a file filled with inspirations for my fake NFR cover and these ^ are some of the photos....


    it would be basically her sitting in the middle of the Yosemite park, with a trailer on the background

    she would be wearing linen shirt and pants and a beige hat (the bob dylan one), sitting in the middle of the park trying to paint herself 

    and at the left bottom of the corner would be the classic NR logo


    overall the concept would be based on the Norman Rockwell paintings, his "I showed the America I knew and observed to others who might not have noticed" and her whole attitude nowadays that questions the "sad tumblr girl" persona that the media created for her ("you took my sadness outta context - i aint no candle in the wind" / "don't ask if I'm happy, you know that I'm not but at best, I can say I'm not sad") compared to norman's ability of recording the classic american way of life and everyday scenes that earned him a permanent place in the universe of pop culture, which would be represented by her trying to "repaint" herself into a new persona


    he also said "i'm tired but proud" and i guess it kinda fits her mood nowadays? 



    but i guess chuck is coming with something cheap as usual  :toofunny:

    I LOVE this

  3. Anyone who can't state their opinion without bashing someone else, and again not having the balls to address them directly is a joke. Get off your fucking high horse and realize your opinion isnt state law. Ctfu :lmao:

    Sorry I was too lazy to quote every single person who said that. my bad. Also, the only thing I said that would imply me bashing somebody else was the word tasteless, which is already kind of a joke, we all have taste here obviously. 

  4. What the fuck are you guys complaining about again? Honeymoon's production is absolutely amazing. Period. Those who say that it's not much, it's boring or whatever other tasteless remark, listen closely!!!! There are soo many layers throughout Honeymoon that it's crazy: Honeymoon the song alone is one of the best production in her career. All the strings in the back, her vocals with the echo harmonizing almost with all of it, the subtle drums, the trap beats which work surprisingly well (and what makes HM so unique), all the  different instruments like the flutes, saxophones and castanets, even the production on Burnt Norton is so hypnotic and entrancing, the heavy bass on Freak, the random electric guitars here and there throughout the record. It's so many fucking things that make Honeymoon an excellent masterpiece.  If you think it's boring you just straight up don't know how to listen to it properly or you're just not patient and open minded enough to see every elements of it. Even on HBTB with those overlapping vocals at the end, I swear I can't with some of y'all


    Btw, since people dragged me when I said y'all are lacking taste for not liking VB and that I should actually post long-winded answers about why one should like it instead of making ''tired jokes'' (even though 1 day later y'all just when back to saying the same ''tasteless'' jokes too  so fuck off), this whole argument works for VB too, for all those who say it's UnNeCeSsArY and BoRinG, shut the fuck up if you don't know how to appreciate it. It's not just peronal preference or opinion or whatever, if you say THAT kind of production and that kind of song is boring or whatever that it's just lack of taste/common sense in music. 

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