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Posts posted by UltraHeroin

  1. I know some people said VB wouldn't be a good closing track for NFR but just imagine: 


    A record that we waited for for so long is finally here, we all loved most of the snippets and were eagerly waiting for it to come, it's gonna be the end of summer and listening to VB to close out an album that it shaping up to be one of her best, all the nostalgia it's gonna hit like a massive wave, ''and as the summer fades away nothing gold can stay''...ugh, that would just be so magical  :legend:

  2. If every song was a beautiful psychedelic epic like VB, it wouldn’t feel as special though. I’d rather it be the shining star it is and not be dulled out. But who knows? Maybe one of her snippets turns into an even bigger epic. She always does the unexpected. I still think In Your Car could turn out long and psychedelic (maybe I’m delusional on that one tho)

    I 100% share this hopeful feeling, especially about IYC, It just has to burst into amazingness. I hope you're right 'cause I fucking LOVE VB.


    Fuck, I can't wait for this record to come, 2 months are gonna go by so quickly for me this summer so it really feels like it's coming so soon.  :excited:

  3. Ok this is unhealthy nd also not as important but ohmygod YES I HAVE BEEN WAITING 4 ONLY THIS.   giphy.gif I hope the fucking skies rip open on a gloomy day, fucking halo'ing the disc giphy.gif070813_6964-7016.gifI'll b fucking sobbing and my throat'll b sore after all the fucking yelling on the top of some fucking mountain tenor.gif they'll write urban legends of the fucking howls and the roaring of my speakers- giphy.gif and then the LFL music video'll start (but not really) ezgif.com-video-to-gif089b53e1a5c7c787.gand I'll do the same fucking thing all over again in another picturesque typa space, 'way from traffic with a some select kind of vice crying to overcompensate the limpness of the unripe first half of the year, like fucking giphy.gif mop it really was regarding this, nd probably almost die, but won't mariah.gif bc I'LL HAVE A FUCKING MOMENT OF SHARP SOBRIETY chris-rock-accidentally-touches-ariiana- and then laugh at myself for almost having done so. Yes. 978869mccryingidol2.gif?w=660 (Like I seldom deal w any bs in real life but mygod. Love for u venice heaux, the fucking patient kind giphy.gif) I'll save the fucking receipt and then listen to the tracks off pico or visit my local library, burn the tracks off the cd tumblr_inline_oeyu8wpHqO1s7u1u6_500.gifand never listen to them thru streaming KlwXK2D.giftumblr_nx7650cWfX1tiyc2yo2_250.gif


    in 2 months* giphy.gif *Insert Burnt Norton interlude here



    edit: Sorry Harlow, this was hardly conversational, giphy.gif I genuinely hope u enjoy ur vinyl too whenever it arrives  :justride:  :wipe:  :justride2:

    This is such a great example on why I love the Internet and LB so much lol 

  4. Wow, so this was in fact a cover. After people started pointing it out I started to believe it more and more so I listened to the original and I very much love that song already, so I'm glad Lana is covering it. Just saw the snippet on her instagram too and it does sound pretty good. Maybe this will bring back the rock vibe to this era, I'm so here for it!!! 

  5. Oh wow, news out of the blue?? How unexpected


    I'm always keeping my expectations below the ocean floor when it comes to Lana, but this thing seems fucking real and I'm very excited. This could 100% be the lead single seeing that it's gonna have ''radio impact''. I like the title, it gives me the vibe of another laid back track, something like a bolder Venice Bitch I would say. I hope I'm right with this prediction  :excited:  We shall see 

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