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Posts posted by UltraHeroin

  1. Guys wait. Ben initially replied to a person with: good music takes time, implying the album is not finished. However, as the argument got more heated, he replied to another person (or the same guy idk) with something like this:No, I can't give you more info... Even with the album and book finished, just wait, it'll be worth it. So... he said both the album and the book are actually finished..... What the hell? He just condradicted himself so badly =)))))

  2. I also feel like Lana was free back then in all styles. There was no "oh this has to be well recieved by the public" or "oh my fans will like this" or "you know what, I shouldn't write about that", it was completely unfiltered and beautiful. I think that's why I enjoy her old stuff so much, she sort of has to go through this "Lana Del Rey filter" now with music. In her old songs, she did pop, she did folk, she changed writing topics, styles, even accents. Nowadays it's sort of "okay 1. I need to sing in my deep dark Lana voice 2. I need to write about something meaningful that will be recieved well without telling too much 3. It needs to be soft, slow and heavenly to match my discography" whereas back then it was like "let's sing about anorexia, overdosing in my mans car, being at Fordham, going to kent, the trailer park, the canyons, okay now I'm doing pop, okay now I'm doing acoustic, okay now I'm doing something jazzy" it was just truly mesmerizing to see this woman go through endless possibilities and flourish in all aspects. Now I just feel she's stuck inside Lana Del Rey. The greatest freedom she had was writing music for herself to enjoy, not us, that's why I think it was so evolved! I don't know how to further explain my thought, but I hope you guys sort of understood!

    LFL was filled with different types of music styles and she did not worry about how it would be received by the fans, she just dumped everything on a record (why Lana :toofunny: ) I would say that's being really free artistically.


    And nowadays there's still none of that. She literally released VB, a 9 minute psych pop track that most of the general public straigh up ignores and HIADT, a heavy loaded song with lyrics and a sad sound. I can't imagine Lana in the studio being like, ''Oh yeah let's make the track that way, my fans will so love it!!!'' She has always been doing it for herself and I feel that was never the case.The only valid answer to those things is LFL the song and that's mainly because Lana maybe was pressured by her label to make another ''hit'' although I really doubt it, I think she just wanted another big song herself, but I don't think it ever was ''oh my fans will love that let's do it that way'' 


    ''You know what, I shouldn't write about that'', I see where this is coming from, with her not singing ''he hit me and it felt like a kiss'' (even though she straigh-up dismissed that ''new rule'' after 2 or 3 Ultraviolence performances lol, she's really not pressured in that way), but this one's a bit funny because:

     Multiple people have already said on this thread that in the past she would write about anything without giving a fuck. It's not that. It's not like Lana was: ''oooh yeah sugar daddies and drugs and prostitutes are a bit weird but I don't give a fuuuuck fuck them'' No. Lana has said multiple times: ''I'm just writing about what I know'' She wasn't having a ''I don't give a fuck attitude'', that's just what she was writing, what she had to say, what she was fascinated with at that time in her life. Now, Lana is in a different place in life, a much better one, 'cause trust me, if she wants to write another song about a sad prostitute that's doing meth with a 56 year old dude who drives her around fast while being drunk, she would definetly do it. It's not the ''giving a fuck'' that stops her from what she used to write, it's simply her being a new, much better person. 


    This was the funniest one because it's literally the other way around. It was in 2012-2013 when she was trying to create and stand behind the whole LDR persona, to stay in that Lana filter.Especially 2012, when she was desperately forcing that deep voice and all the jazz. And it is now, the present when Lana is just getting less and less ''Lana'' and more and more just herself. LFL was such a chaotic album thematically because she's just herself throughout all of it, that's why it's so awfully diverse. LFL and the new songs literally sound the least you'd expect a typical Lana song to sound like (well most of them, not all of them haha), so to say she now is pressured to stay under a ''lana del rey'' filter, unlike the past when she was ''free'' is kind of backwards to me. 


    Nowadays it's sort of "okay 1. I need to sing in my deep dark Lana voice-LOL what?? All of 2012 was just a huge forced deep voice from her, she hasn't sung like that in years now.

    2. I need to write about something meaningful that will be recieved well without telling too much- Well, all she writes is meaningful to her and again, her lyrics are on the more ''well received'' side purely because she's grown as a person and figured out how fucked up the things she was fascinated by are, she doesn't like that type of things anymore. 

    3. It needs to be soft, slow and heavenly to match my discography- Summer Bummer is real heavenly, the amalgam of guitars on VB is really soft, yeah. Saying that is so weird because, right from the get go, BTD was not all the same heavenly slow kinda thing. And she's been continuously experimenting over the years.


    She's as free as she was before, she just doesn't like to write about those things anymore because she's evolved and she's not filtering herself under any type/persona, she's actually leaving it more and more behind. 

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