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Posts posted by UltraHeroin

  1. Ok so the site obviously had the interview for a while now...but instead of making it public at that time when all the other site publications were claiming a March release, they made it public now, in February and March is literally around the corner. Something tells me they could've edited out the March part if Lana's schedule was modified, but this gives me the impression that the release schedule hasn't really changed much.


    Also, LFL was the most last-minute decision ever, I bet all those magazines felt like shit lmao

    We knew she was doing Gucci last year and I'm sure the commercial etc was shot pretty early last year (if not end of 2017? could be wrong)… so I imagine this interview could've been done December or January and they would've added in extra details like Hope etc.

    Exactly, she literally mentions HIADT in the interview as an already released track, so the interview is recent


    ...so disregard what I said above, that the interview is older, the interview is definetly recent

  2. ''Holy shit She's gonna do a campaign with Gucci'' ''She's going to be everywhere, photoshoots, interviews, commercials'' ''I can't wait for that Gucci campaign in January she's going to sync the album promotion probably at the same time to get people really hyped'' ''Ugh I can't wait for the whole era to really pick up with the Gucci campaign''..........GUcCi cAmPAigNe




    The hype around that 1 minute commercial died as soon as it was released and nothing happened eever since, she just posted some mediocre photo outtakes. This shit is so fucking dry

  3. Congratulations to everyone that won an award tonight and even to the runner ups. Y'all made yourself standout in one way or another and that says ''ICONIC'' cheers to that


    And again, a huge thank you to the people that voted for me, You guys are amazing and made my birthday 10 times better than it already was; glad to go home with 2 wins 


    the-2016-stubhub-q-awards_5446557.jpg the-2016-stubhub-q-awards_5446553.jpg

    (I couldn't find a picture of M.I.A with 2 awards at the same time because she's an underrated legend so this will do) 

  4. I AM SO LATE again




    Congrats to all the winners and runners-up, they are all very well deserved :party:


    Also I LOVE ALL OF YOU GUYS, thank you all for making this such an amazing place :heart:

    Ugh, legend, I voted for you and I was sad when I saw you didn't make the cut.

  5. Okay I can finally sit down and enjoy my coffee. Doing these awards was so hard omfg. But maybe I’ll host it again next year!

    You did an amazing job and I think I speak for everybody when I say this. Thank you for all your efforts and for making this possible and so enjoyable 

  6. Also fun fact, my internet stopped working last Monday in my house and I was about to push the awards back but I powered through it and got it all done with 1 bar of LTE

    We appreciate and respect a hard working legend

  7. One of the most elusive awards of the night.. This award is reserved for LEGENDS. Those who others can not compare to.

    Tonight, the council has chosen one.




    Congratualtions, @clampigirl. You have won this amazing award!


    Yeeeeeessss!!!!!! Hell yeah

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