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Posts posted by PrettyBaby

  1. I love CWYCMA too! I prefer version 1, and have that on my Surf Noir mix (my picks for sort of a LDRAKA:LG part 2), and version 2 is on my dance mix. 2008 puts it in around the Kill Kill era, so you're probably right about that. The version numbers could have been assigned by CalendarGirl from LDR.FM, though. I don't think we know which one came first.

  2. Why are people always obsessed with these two songs. The two snippets are obviously something like 'iTunes previews' for the tracks because they are only around 30 seconds long which means that the two songs are meant to be part of a completely different album altogether.

    Because I NEED "Hollywood's Dead" in my life! (And where better than on her Hollywood sadcore re-release?)


    And don't get me started with people who think that 'Serial Killer' etc are going to be on it because they are just stupid.

    HOPE. We HOPE it will be on it so we get a HQ copy. G9dVt.gif

  3. 1. Off To The Races

    2. Radio

    3. Blue Jeans

    4. Diet Mountain Dew

    5. National Anthem

    6. Lolita

    7. This Is What Makes Us Girls

    8. Without You

    9. Million Dollar Man

    10. Dark Paradise

    11. Video Games

    12. Summertime Sadness

    13. Carmen

    14. Lucky Ones

    15. Born To Die

  4. She acts a bit aspergersy sometimes..


    A lot of people do. For women, it often manifests as something called Intense World Syndrome. Usually IWS makes people want to avoid intense situations (because they are overwhelmed sooner/more easily), but sometimes it expresses itself in thrill-seeking behavior. Or so I've read. I don't think this discussion is mean at all; I think it's exciting that our society is becoming more open about these things, and learning more about what diverse issues different people cope with every day.


    also, and this was discussed on lanadelrey.fm (it never ocurred to me that the forum would be down forever and obviously never saved my posts ), i have to join in being displeased with her sometimes shallow and un-feminist lyrics. i know she's stated that it's because she has to take charge of her life and is always in control, therefore wants a man that can assume that power so she can be the archetypal femme again. i get that and lord knows i've felt that way before! but at the same time, you guys made a good point...where do you draw the line between ironic or sardonic and just face-value superficial? i agree with maru that i long for the sincere, heartfelt, authentically quirky days of lizzy grant. sitarhero is right, i don't think lana would ever record something so austere yet powerful as "disco" nowadays :(

    Her "un-feminist" lyrics don't strike me as superficial, but rather complex. Sometimes our culture oversells Power Feminism (IMO, like women aren't allowed to have human needs/weaknesses/failings because at this point in history we have to "represent"), and I see Lana's strong perspective of apparent submissiveness as partly in reaction to that -- a stand for individuality. Yet, I also see her sometimes-submissive demeanor as apparent, an act. Not only because it's fun to role-play, but also to some degree because one effective way to subvert a patriarchal mindset is to infiltrate it and bring about change from within. (I may be projecting this, though, based on my own life story. It resonates so much with me.) For example, I see the video for PMIAM, more than the song, as participating in sexual "exploitation" to regain a sense of personal agency, while at the same time protesting it by interspersing clips of a man being taken away in handcuffs. And again, I may be projecting, but I imagine that she could be doing a similar thing in OTTR, to an extent, though perhaps with more participation and less apparent protest.


    So anyway, that's what I mean when I say I think Lana subverts both the patriarchy and Power Feminism :)


    She looked like a mum. She was beautiful but old looking. If I saw her in the street with an 8 year old child it wouldn't seem weird, she looked like she was about 10 years older than she is..


    I took these pics: (she looks quite old..)




    Hard living (drugs, thrill-seeking, possible cosmetic surgery) can definitely take a toll. But things like heavy makeup and lack of sleep will temporarily age a person as well. Check out recent airport candids; I think she looks more fresh-faced in them. Also, look at these photos from the Tartan Clef Awards last year -- she's the same Lizzy she always was!






    I’m happy that the topics that came up with the GQ shoot are still being discussed and have now spilled into another thread; it's important and it's nice to see it being discussed. I agree with whoever said that everyone should be a feminist. Why in the world not? What single good reason is there not to be?

    THIS. I am both an egalitarian and a feminist. (I even occasionally call myself a "masculinist," to what I hope is a healthy and beneficial extent, though I don't tend to focus on it as much.) My life has taken me from a casual feminism through patriarchalism into a fierce egalitarianism that seeks to promote and protect women and girls, men and boys, and those who don't quite feel they fit into those categories. But I am uncomfortable with both Power Feminism and Victim Feminism, and I'm seeking a happy medium, though I don't quite know what to call it yet. (I'm toying with "Shalom Feminism." Might be too obscure.) I believe it is the responsibility of each one of us to see, support, and promote the dignity in every human being, whether or not they make it easy for us.


    The GQ cover and the boob-groping pic are SO NOT egalitarian, it's ridiculous. Yet it is a human perspective. :shrug: I don't like it.


    i totally agree that she's a true weirdo and i love it! i just hope she is able to continue expressing and sharing her strange eccentricity as freely as possible, although i kind of doubt that it'll ever be the same as when she didn't have a big audience hanging on her every word and watching her every move. i'm still curious to see her evolution...after the born to die paradise edition, a phase in her life will be over. what'll follow is a mystery i'm looking forward to :)

    THIS too. I love her so much. Love you guys too. :wub:

  5. I persist in calling it "Puppy Love (Marilyn Monroe)." Extra typing concerns be damned!


    I prefer Body Electric to ISTBE because there's less to type (I hate the song though so it doesn't really matter).

    Moy, you've inspired me to admit...

    http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/215-unpopular-lana-opinions/ (post #6)


    Wasn't Lolita called Lolyta, then Hey Lolita Hey then Lolita?

    It's my understanding that "Lolyta" was never an official title, but a fan error introduced early on that stuck around. (Kind of like "I'm Indebited to You" instead of "Indebted") But I could be wrong.

  6. It seemed like some sort of evil, sinister thing, so i thought maybe you were just being a Heavy Hitler. A local thing, huh? Where are you, in an isolated gothic castle atop a hill underneath a cluster of black clouds, reveling in your own evilness?

    Much worse -- the American South :O


    Oh gosh, the importance of a beat and a line break.

    And I may be overestimating the importance of the lack of a "W." That is, while "BWAHAHA" connotes evil laughter, "BAHAHA" strikes me as more spontaneously pure-hearted somehow :cuteface: Based on local usage. (Oh crap.)

  7. I'm going to need all the nay-sayers to take SEVERAL seats right away. I hardly think Lana was pushed into this. Also, did anyone else think that the nudity was a physical manifestation of her being "naked" and "vulnerable" in the interview? She was "stripped" and "bared all." I loved every second of it. Check your personal reasons for being afraid of nudity at the door. Thank you.


    I think we were expressing our criticisms respectfully. And rather than checking my irrational fears at the door, I prefer to hold them up, look them over, and say "how the hell did I end up with THIS?" Kind of in the spirit of naked and vulnerable, you might say. ;)

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