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Posts posted by PrettyBaby

  1. I know it was discussed more than a month ago but if you wouldn't mind I'd like to briefly touch on the un-feminist lyrics. As someone who's been in what I now realise were probably unhealthy relationships, albeit exhilarating, I really identify with a lot of what Lana's saying. But just briefly, I in no way mean to diminish or criticise your opinions by saying stuff like "you guys just don't know"; I don't know your lives or your struggles and I'm not prepared to make those judgements so this is merely my experience.


    I can see how on the surface a what of her lyrical content seems to be against positive feminist ideals, but when I was in those relationships the power balance felt very natural and like feminism wasn't apart of anything. I was happy to let the men in my life lead me because they made me feel safe and there was a lot of love there. I knew how hard my heart beat for them and I could feel that in them too. For me, to love someone that much in a i-can-hardly-breathe-when-we're-not-together way made me feel so alive. I'm guilty of doing a lot of things I shouldn't have done with them but I was so free. So when they held me a little rough or something similar it didn't matter because it felt like we belonged. I can see why things like that from another perspective may have seemed off and like I was being controlled or smothered but that's not how it felt.


    I was going to write a little more but I don't want to just bombard this thread with what is probably not interesting content.


    I think this is an important perspective. Life is complicated, and things don't always line up according to whatever the conventional expectations are at the moment.

  2. There's this one called "God Bless America", I'm not sure where I got it from, but I really enjoy it (maybe one of you made it?).


    Oh yeah, this is Ahmed's mixtape! He actually took a couple of Lana's covers ("Goodbye Kiss" and "Happiest Girl...") and put her vocals over the original music. I'm quite impressed with the result in the case of "GK" (but I prefer both originals to the mash-up).


    So excited to try out some new playlists! :woot:

  3. Playlists are very personal and imo there's no right or wrong way to do them. They simply reveal how we like to group songs together when we listen to them. Please share yours!

    Personally, I'm obsessed with tweaking my unreleased playlists. Here's the latest edition of my "surf noir" playlist, in which I've tried to recreate/continue the feeing of "AKA Lizzy Grant." (I've finally given this playlist an actual name, beyond that of a rock subgenre :P)

    Florida Dark
    1. Heavy Hitter
    2. Dum Dum ("version 1")
    3. Come When You Call Me (A-M-E-R-I-C-A)
    4. You Can Be the Boss
    5. (Interlude) She Walks Into Mine
    6. Jimmy Gnecco
    7. Every Man Gets His Wish
    8. Trash Magic (Miss America)
    9. Fordham Road
    10. Kinda Outta Luck
    11. The Man I Love (fan mix)
    12. Disco
    13. Hundred Dollar Bill (1.0)
    14. Pin Up Galore
    15. You're Gonna Love Me
    16. Daddy Issues
    17. On Our Way

    (HunterAshlyn, if you don't share your "No One Even Knows How Hard Life Was" playlist, I will! Unless you don't want me to. I still listen to it sometimes.)

  4. I don't think I'd be as big a fan without AKA. (Though I was pretty impressed by BTD.) But now that I know what she's capable of, I think I'm a Lana fan for life. Besides, it's the fan community that keeps me coming back here. As long as people still have interesting things to talk about, I'll probably still be here!


    (Where's a group-hug emoticon when you need one?!?) th_grouphug.gif

  5. Jimmy had a Chevy, but some of the songs we think are about Jimmy are probably about him.. am I allowed to refer to him by is first name or is that a bit personal considering he isn't famous or anything?


    That does seem a bit personal. But I'm uncomfortable throwing his last name around too.


    What does everyone think about changing references, to this person, to initials or an alias?

  6. Let's discuss this. "MMIH" is delicious. "Delicious" is disguscious. (It's okay.)


    I don't think it's the same rapper. Actually, I think Lana's vocal style on "Delicious" sounds more like the vocal style of the voice at the beginning of "MMIH", than the rapper's vocal style on "Delicious" does -- softer, richer.

  7. No, it doesn't!


    Oh wow, it totally does. No wait, it could be a live performance. But didn't the journalists get that 18-song sampler awhile back...




    Okay. :imbeingsarcasticbitch2:

  8. Oh wow, there's half a dozen posts I never saw! What the... I've had this problem on other threads too. When I skip to "last read," the system thinks I've read more than I have. (Wonder if someone in my family's been sneaking on here under my account... :imbeingsarcasticbitch2: )


    Oh well, thanks Arzi and Trash Magic and Lana Del Rey!

  9. (Aside from influencing, being friends with, and opening for Tool, the Melvins and Tool also collaborated on a song called "Divorced" off the Melvins' album Crybaby.)

    Adding the Melvins to my wish list!


    The time signature changes and number of syllables in each line in the lyrics of the title track off Tool's album "Lateralus" and some of the lyrical content on the album are related to the Fibonacci sequence/Fibonacci spiral and the golden ratio/golden spiral.


    Now that litewave has joined the forum, if he writes an esoteric explanation of the music of Tool my life will be complete.


  10. Someone tweetd saying @LanaDelRey what was the reasoning behind using the n. american headdress in your video? srsly fucked up cultural appropriation. disappoint


    Lana followed her, and DM'd her saying:



    Awesome find!


    This confirms [provides further evidence] that it's Indian Reservations, NOT Neon Reservations!

    Awesome reasoning! ;)

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