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Posts posted by PrettyBaby

  1. Bask in the ear candy :flutter: and reflect on my perpetual question, "who needs actual drugs when there is So. Much. Beauty?!?"


    On reflection, I've realized my rhetorical question sounds really douchey, as if I'm saying "My emotional addictions are better than everyone else's addictions" or something. I'm sorry. It's hard for each of us to let go of whatever's helping make us feel a little less despairing in life.


    Back to TPE... I don't know, it's like someone put eight scoops of the highest quality of vanilla ice cream in front of me (maybe with caramel drizzles on #8, and cinnamon sprinkles on #3) and said, "Have at it." UM, NO THANK YOU!


    Maybe one scoop at the end of a nice steak dinner, or a fabulous Indian buffet, or even in the middle, and it would stand out! Even eight different flavors of ice cream, all lined up, would seem deliciously decadent (but only one time). But eight servings of stand-out aural ice cream do not stand out!


    It's like listening to a legend of rock's later catalogue. Like Rush's Hold Your Fire. Or like what I imagine Springsteen's Tunnel of Love would be like (but I never checked it out because I've been down that road too many times before, thankyouverymuch.)


    I guess I understand the need to market albums in such a way that all the songs seem to go together. But it's a delicate balance between finding sister-songs and birthing octuplets. IMO. Nobody should listen to me, though, because I totally consider The White Stripes' Elephant to be an example of, if not sophomore slump, then at any rate slump that is inexplicably popular.


    I'm not giving up on TPE just yet, but all I know how to approach it right now is treat it as a separate release and tweak/supplement the playlist like mad.


    Burning Desire 4/5 - I just feel like this & 'Ride' should swap places, that is all.


    YES! This is the type of thing that would help tremendously.

  2. And that's just like me saying I written the song and sung it

    (If we're doing this by usernames)


    If I don't like the way that she touches me, then she won't touch me no more. :/


    On the other hand, she calls my name over and over, followed by a glorious "Ahhh........" in the FKP2 demo. :legend:



    So yeah. Real dude, probably. :blush:





    ...but wait! I listened to it again and she totally says "Harvey!" Let me google this sucker... "Harvey in the sky with diamonds" ... we have one! Oh crap, it's my own post...


    "I'm missing something. I'm missing something small..."


    Well, we do need more songs about feminine desire, more than we need more songs about drugs. And Lana is definitely the artist to deliver... um, take... anyway, maybe this song is completely straightforward and I should just accept it at surface value. But then, why so many possible drug references? "We broke through to the other side" like Jim Morrison's "Break on through to the other side" for crying out loud! ............unless she means...........


    OH! "Tastes like pepsi cola" ... is like the creepy old dude saying it "tastes like candy," but she's not a creepy old dude, she's a woman on a mission! She's enticing her lover (maybe a creepy old dude) and she's doing it in a teasing way.




    So she's not using sex as a metaphor for the paradise of drugs, she's using drugs as a metaphor for the paradise of sex. Got it.


    "Thanks, I just needed to say that out loud."




    Guys, you're not going to believe this, but -- you might wanna sit down -- guess what? COLA IS ABOUT ORAL SEX!!!!! :woot:

  4. That's so obvious, though... No, I'm kidding, you're probably right. And I confess to being led astray by the first round of guesses as to the lyrics...





    Harvey's in the sky with diamonds and he's making me crazy

    All he wants to do is party with his pretty baby


    So I was all like, "Like 'Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds' = LSD! Oh wow! What the hell is Harvey? Does it matter? LSD must totally be Harvey's wife, i.e. they're both drugs!!!"


    Okay, so I know nothing of drug slang/culture, and the real lyrics are:


    Ah, he's in the sky with diamonds and he's making me crazy

    All he wants to do is party with his pretty baby


    So yeah. Real dude, probably. :blush:



  5. You...deleted PMIAM? :O


    "No, I do not like little girls. No, I do not like men who like little girls. No, I just... No. NO!"


    "Okay, maybe I like that you like to act like a.... NO!"


    (The trick is not to try and resolve the cognitive dissonance too quickly btw.)

  6. For me, Cola is more like my Put Me in a Movie 2.0:


    eyeroll at first listen --> deletes it from iTunes --> puts it back --> "but no, seriously?" --> unchecks it in iTunes --> admits it's kinda pretty --> rechecks it in iTunes --> "but why did she have to go with THAT choice of words, exactly?" --> destined to break into my top 5 of that album (but wait, with TPE that's not saying as much...)

  7. Bel Air:




    On the surface, "Bel Air" seems to be about a celebrity stalker. So it's a lovely creepfest like "Every Breath You Take" by The Police, right? But wait! We know how Lana feels about her inspirations. And we know how she feels about her fans.


    I think the cycle of inspiration is another form of paradise for Lana. I think this song is a love letter to her idols and her fans. :crying:



  8. Ride - 2/5

    This song is sort of nice but... boring. There is just so much better stuff out there, including Lana stuff, to listen to.


    American - 3/5

    A little nicer, not quite as boring. I plan to find a playlist to stick it in and hope that does it justice so it can grow on me.


    Cola - 1/5

    I think this song is entirely about drugs of various sorts. Which isn't a bad thing; I just have no life experience with substances beyond alcohol and caffeine; so I lack a point of identification. Though I have plenty of experience swapping one emotional addiction for another. So I could probably be persuaded to look deeper. (I just don't want to look any deeper into the pussy right now; I mean what the actual fuck?)


    Body Electric - 4/5

    I'm pleased with how the studio version has turned out. BE is now worth listening to. tomato.gif


    Blue Velvet - 2/5

    :tapsfingersinirritation: Boring.


    Gods and Monsters - 3/5

    I like parts of it, and don't like other parts. I hope when I understand it better I will like it better.


    Yayo - 3/5

    This version is lovely in its own way, but the spaciness makes me think this song is about the drug after all. I just don't see a lot of reason to listen to this one rather than the love song (yes, love song, dammit) that is Yayo 2010.


    Bel Air - 5/5

    I adore this song so much. Bel Air is the entire point of the Paradise edition for me (at first listen. I am all about the ear candy.) Bel Air delivers. I hope when I understand it better I will still love it.


    Burning Desire - 3/5

    Yeah, probably should have been on the album. Nice moments. Not the best. But better than half of what made it on the second CD imo.


    #letdownsofar #ohwellatleastnowwehavebelair #ducksandrunsforcover

  9. Oops, maybe I should put these in spoiler tabs until everyone has a chance to obtain The Paradise Edition. Sorry! :blush:






    So having listened to "Cola," I'm now fairly confident that the infidelities referenced in that song and "Get Drunk" refer to using one substance to get off of another.



  10. Dark Paradise.... where do I start with this one. I am on the same page as Matt with it, like he said, it was one of my favorites for the first week of having the album. Then the annoyance set in. "EVERYTIME I CLOSE MY EYESS..........." ughkjshgdkslhjda the way she yells the chorus, which has terrible lyrics, by the way, is horrible. Let's just take a few seconds to process how stupid the lyrics to the chorus are:


    Every time I close my eyes, it's like a dark paradise

    No one compares to you, I'm scared that you won't be waiting on the other side

    Every time I close my eyes, it's like a dark paradise

    No one compares to you, but there's no you, except in my dreams tonight


    k am guna giv u a few moer secnds 2 prosess tht infermasion







    r u redy 2 go on????? k


    if those lyrics weren't bad and boring enough, the stupid trademark of BTD really shits all over and ruins this song. see here:

    "every time i close my eyes" *SHAWWWW*

    .... rlly? rlly. Even the amazing Auto-Tuned Loon, Jesus Christ's own breath, couldn't save this song. You can hear him desperately coming in before the chorus to warn you, trying to save you the horrid plight of it all. Bless his soul.






    The opening: it sounds pretty at first, but after a few listens.. it's just too overdramatic to deal with. Lana starts singing and it's okay, until the bass kicks in. There are too many bass beats. This song might have done better had it been more ballad-y, with less beats and more attention to her voice and strings or something. That's why the demos are better than the album, they do the beat much differently. I still can't listen to those much those just because the chorus is so bad. The lyrics just really don't go with the beat. I'm too lazy to look it up, but someone actually did a mashup of Gaga's Judas with this song, where it was the backing track of DP with the vocal track of Judas, and I've got to say, I love that version. Gaga's lyrics to her song fit the beat of DP so much better than Lana's lyrics. Google it and see for yourself! Also, the bridge. This needs to be addressed...


    "Telling me I'm FIIIIINEEE-E-E--E-E"


    My god, Lana, if your haters ever poked fun about your wobbly vocals, you sure didn't prove them wrong here. The way she hits that note (or fails to, rather) is cringe-worthy. The only thing I really like about the song is the "ah-ahahsahdjshfkjhfgsj" part. Because really, it's the only line where I'm not focused on the boring/melodramatic aspect of the lyrics. It also tries too hard. I mean, was the "Dead like you" really necessary? Sometimes it's better to not directly explain what you're singing about in the song. The fact that she states that her man is dead kind of kills the illusion she was trying to build in the verses. idk.


    I also really hate the weird-celestial wind chime noises in the chorus, after she says "won't be waiting on the other side." the piano in the pre-choruses is also really painful for me to hear, as it doesn't fit the rest of the backing track at all imo. this song is just such a mess. i can't :facepalm:


    There is one part of the song I really love, though! :) It's after the last chorus, when the song is over.


    you asked for it :hottie:


    :( But there's no him, except in her dreams tonight!!! crybaby.gif

  11. I know I'm not a mod but... I'm sure we can have sensible discussions about Romney/Obama but try not to turn it into an argument. We should keep it about the election and not about the candidates because I don't want forum members to dislike each other.


    Well, the election is totally about the candidates, but I'll try not to make it about the voters anymore :blush:

  12. Praying Obama wins.


    Think he'll win the Presidential race, but nervous about my state's senate race (Virginia). College grads prefer Kaine, the Democrat, but the nice ladies at my last church let me know that education/critical thinking is a character flaw in a woman, so you know... I'm stressed.


    Maybe politics isn't so ridiculous in Australia, but in the U.S. it's a damn circus.

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