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Posts posted by PrettyBaby

  1. Remember when you censured me that one time on ye olde dot fm forum for, what was it, ending a sentence in a preposition?


    Yeah, I remember... in the trash-talk-for-the-fun-of-it thread or whatever it was called!


    Now PrettyBaby, what do we have here? Not only the same thing for which you once rebuked me, but judgey??? JUDGEY, PrettyBaby? Really now?


    Of course! Because not only do I enjoy satirizing grammar naziism (it's always amused me when science/math-oriented types show themselves more interested in "correcting" grammatical "errors" than people who have studied language), but also I get a kick out of co-opting useful bastardizations of terminology and usage. (But what's REALLY sweet-like-cinnamon effing NICES is when I see the chance to coin my own twist on an existing word, that shouldn't make sense, but totally does, and everybody knows it! :love:)


    Hello, I'm PrettyBaby, I like to free-associate. All y'all are on notice. :cuteface:


    Jaykay, u no i luv u. I'll let it slide because i'm cool lyke that.



    dude RU drunk

  2. It was called The Ocean, but someone at the label said that the name was too boring, so she went off, scribbled out the title, and wrote KILL KILL at the top of the page, as she was pissed off at him.



    EDIT~ found it http://www.adirondac...5.html?nav=5050


    I love this story too. I've wondered if this incident may have inspired a few songs too. (Kinda Outta Luck, Raise Me Up) ...Lana Del Smartass :D

  3. TBH, I was a lot more judgey of other artists I didn't care for, before I came to this forum. Now, when I see/hear an artist I would have dismissed in the past, I'm like, "Oh, such-and-such likes them. Yeah, it does take some hard work and talent to get where they are. Good for them."


    But some people live their whole lives without finding a group of supportive people like this forum is. Some subcultures/families/whatever force its members to depend on putting down others to get any respect themselves. I mostly feel sorry for those YouTube commenters who sound like they must be surrounded by that sort of one-upmanship all the time.


    So you have a good point, CC. There's a big difference between thoughtful and thoughtless criticism.

  4. The AKA Yayo strikes me as the younger, hopeful version (though at the end, maybe she's starting to catch on), while the Paradise version is older-looking-back, knowing it didn't work out, but still longing. :( It makes me sad. That doesn't make it bad, but it does make me not want to listen to it as much.


    (The No Kung Fu version is her singing to producers like David Kahne, "Imma bring it." :excited: )

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