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Posts posted by PrettyBaby

  1. Q: How many days hours to put up a beehive?


    A: I have been very fortunate to be surrounded by very talented people, very artistic. Four and a half. I think the effect is very beautiful.


    Q: Were someone to witness you drinking cherry cola, how would you describe their experience?

    a. It's a real killer

    b. Sweet, surreal, killer

    c. Sweet cereal kill ...er

    d. I think it's beautiful

  2. This one is SPARKLE JUMP ROPE QUEEN, it has some of her quirkier and more offbeat songs:

    1. Mermaid Motel
    2. Diet MTN Dew (1)
    3. Playing Dangerous
    4. Birds of a Feather
    5. Smarty
    6. Hundred Dollar Bill
    7. Lolita (2)
    8. Moije Joue
    9. The Man I Love
    10. Put Me in a Movie
    11. Come When You Call Me America
    12. For K Part 2
    13. Trash Magic
    14. Brite Lites


    I finally got a chance to listen to Sparkle Jump Rope Queen and I absolutely love it! Daddy Issues makes me afraid that I never would have gotten into Lana if she'd had a pop debut first (though I like most of those songs now). White Pontiac Heaven is a tweaked version of one you posted on another site once, yes? I'm looking forward to digging into that one and Endless World Tour when I get a chance.


    Here is my playlist which is just all my favorite songs that fit her "Bad Girl Pin Up" sound she does so well :) It's not final of course especially with all the *ahem* leaks lately...


    Heart Shaped Sunglasses



    Every Man Gets His Wish

    You Can Be the Boss

    Live Or Die

    Moi Je Joue

    Boarding School

    Velvet Crowbar

    Fake Diamond

    Gangsta Boy

    Driving in Cars With Boys

    Marilyn Monroe


    Push Me Down

    Pin Up Galore

    Summer of Sam


    Kinda Outta Luck

    Playing Dangerous


    Last Girl On Earth

    Hollywood's Dead


    That was amazing. :flutter:


    Interested to know why you put Live or Die so late in the theoretical story happening in that list, I see it as a little happier.


    I see it as being her "last stand" for the relationship, like, are we gonna make this work, boy? (Sort of like "Lift Your Eyes," but coming from a less healthy place, because she's still hanging onto the Bonnie and Clyde dream.) And then she has to answer her own question, in the next song. :( (Besides, the playlist was in desperate need of something somewhat upbeat at that point.)

  3. So many leaks lately, I've had to go from two to three main Unreleased playlists: Florida Dark, Hollywood's Dead, and now Motel Flower Nation.


    Motel Flower Nation

    Lucky Ones (demo)

    Driving in Cars

    Prom Song (Gone Wrong)


    Dangerous Girl

    Match Made in Heaven

    Queen of the Gas Station (acoustic demo)

    Moi Je Joue

    White Pontiac Heaven (acapella)

    Money Hunny

    Never Let Me Go

    Hundred Dollar Bill ("demo")

    Velvet Crowbar

    Motel 6 (acapella)

    Get Drunk

    Live or Die

    Methamphetamines (acapella)


    She's Not Me

    End of the World (live)


    I've tried to make it tell a story (though not a "real" Lizzy story per se). :( And now I am so ready to hear The Paradise Edition.

  4. Really, I don't think a woman in the media (or elsewhere) has to self-identify as a feminist to come under fire from all sides. All she has to do is be an individual. (And maybe that's true for men too, who dare to break with convention.)


    It's one thing to not be particularly interested in feminist issues. It's another to think painting yourself as a "moderate" is going to keep you in everyone's good graces. SMH (at my younger self, as much as at anyone else)

  5. And then the chorus:

    This is what makes us girls, We don’t stick together coz we put love first“.

    The fact that she thinks women “don’t stick together” when men are around is a really sad, awful stereotype. Juxtaposed with images of blatant sexualisation posing as anarchy, this song is just a rotten little apple.


    The thing is, I'm not even sure that Lana is either presenting this as a genuine rule, or even just saying oh well, that's the way it is. I mean, she might be doing one of those. But she might be saying, this is the "rule" that is sold to girls and they buy it. (I had a so-called friend inform me of this "rule" once, in similar terms.) In the album version, the music and the effects are so brutal while she's singing, "Don't cry about it, don't cry about it," it's hard for me to come away thinking she's saying this is good or right or necessary.


    It IS brutal, but it IS out there already.

  6. By the way, if anyone sees this list and can recommend any other great unreleased tracks that kinda would go along well with what I have, let me know! :)

    "Put the Radio On" would go great with this playlist. I think you should put "Goodbye Kiss" on there too!


    Degenerate Beauty Queen


    Lana behaving badly, all while remaining glam







    Working on another one, like Methed Up Barbie or something like that. B)

    Awesome concept and artwork!

  7. I can see I'm going to use up my "like" quota early today.


    I don't see anything anti-feminist with Lana being submissive since it's her choice. And isn't that what counts? It's her choice.


    That's key. (Of course, it's important for it to be a real choice, as opposed to a choice-to-fall-in-line-with-what-we-say-God-says-or-be-regarded-as-a-horrible-person sort of choice. But I'm not getting that vibe from Lana at all.)


    If it hurts me, it hurts me as a person, not as a woman. I am more than my looks, and I don't owe it to anyone to be attractive.



    Speak for yourself Lana, because you sure as hell are not representing me as a woman. (Notice how I use the word woman and not girl?)

    Very true. But honestly my reaction is just, wow, that could have been worded better.


    ...but I am a firm believer in the individual. And call me naive or too optimistic, but I think real social change can be made. To me, it's never just "Oh, just one person said that; everyone thinks it anyway" -- it starts with the individual. We make up society.


    I'm not going to give Lana a free pass on this one. :imbeingsarcasticbitch2: Maybe she's changed, I don't know. I know I have, and I know it's possible. I'm still learning, and I'm still changing. And I also know that my daughters and my sons (if I even have children) will be taught not to perpetuate this bullshit and will not be cast into gender roles and taught to have "gender-appropriate" qualities.

    I love you, Maru! And I wholeheartedly agree -- I think we can make a difference in society. It's gonna get better. I can't promise, but... well, yeah. :hug:

  8. To me, the video is about someone who's been treated like trash, desperately looking for community, and finding it in (to the viewer) unexpected places. It's not just controversial; it's worldview-challenging. I think it's asking the viewer to re-evaluate how we think about human dignity.


    Everyone's life experience is different, but most of us know what it's like to be treated like trash. Some methods are more large-scale and life-threatening than others. A person whose entire tribe is being "thrown away" is in a different physical circumstance from someone raised in relative physical safety who chooses to leave. But on a psychological level -- at a deep soul level -- if you're told enough times that you're trash, the desperation and despair is real. It doesn't go away just because someone, somewhere can find a way to tell you some way that you're privileged. At the point of desperation, I think any such privilege becomes theoretical.


    At that point, the last thing you need is a community that tells you who's more important than whom. You need a community that tells you, you matter too.

  9. This is HunterAshlyn's playlist... too good not to share! The flow is perfection. :flutter:


    No One Even Knows How Hard Life Was

    Hey Lolita Hey

    Driving in Cars with Boys

    Lucky Ones (not sure which version he had in mind; I use the demo)

    Video Games

    Oh Say Can You See


    Goodbye Kiss


    Bad Disease

    Pawn Shop Blues

    Million Dollar Man

    Mermaid Motel

    Kill Kill

    Without You

    Diet Mtn Dew demo 3

    Hundred Dollar Bill (not sure which version he had in mind; I use the demo)

    Off to the Races

    You Can Be the Boss

    Dark Paradise



    Does a list of every song (unreleased, all demos, live) including download links exist? Because I have quite a collection of Lana songs but I think I might be missing a few.


    They maintained one on LDR.FM but I think that may have been one of the reasons it got shut down. :/

  10. Isn't Radio about him? Just thought that since it was the last song she wrote before releaseing BtD. And I think she said that it had to do with people liking her 'cause she was playing on the radio. Anyways, she said she'll always love that past love of hers, so Barrie should know that and just decided that it doesn't really do anything or something like that.


    I've been thinking Radio is about fame, or Los Angeles. But I don't know.

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