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Posts posted by PrettyBaby

  1. The fact that she's telling young girls to stand up for themselves and to not allow themselves to be pushed around to me is pretty damn cool. A lot of people have said stuff like she's arrogant, etc but I've always seen her as very very down to earth. I'm not sure how many homeless people are arrogant exactly?


    I don't know much about her; she is/was homeless? It's sad that so many arrogant, entitled people in the world are projecting their own arrogance and entitlement onto less privileged people these days. She sounds like a problem-solver by nature. I can see how people who don't want to admit there's a problem could find that pretty threatening, and write off diagnosis as destructive behavior.

  2. Guys, PrettyBaby is getting scandalous over here.


    Can't have that. :O I repent!


    "Honey, good news -- I recruited two sister wives! The bad news is, they're two straight dudes. So yeah, I have no idea if the house is going to get any cleaner... but I can guarantee that the nightly fight over the remote is going to be AMAZING..."

  3. I've been meaning to ask you about hair metal because i think you and i may have grown up on the same music?


    Sounds like it. As much as I enjoyed grunge at the time, it killed off blues metal AND I'M STILL PISSED...




    :woot: They said YES!!! :woot:

    I know my husband, he wouldn't have to be told... :teehee:

  4. Oh noes! Have I ever mentioned I get over-stimulated easily?


    Fordham Road 14

    Get Drunk 22

    1949 24

    Dum Dum 16

    Heavy Hitler 16

    Afraid 16

    Fake Diamond 10

    Butterflies 14

    American Dream 14

    Kinda Outta Luck 14

    Pin Up Galore 15

    Paradise 7

    Never Let Me Go 14

    Miss America/Trash Magic 18

    Hollywood's Dead 14

    Prom Song (Gone Wrong) 12

    Methamphetamines 18

    On Our Way 16

    Velvet Crowbar 17

    Driving In Cars With Boys 16

    Live or Die 17



    Have I ever mentioned I get over-stimulated easily? Remind me to stay away from these threads... :O

  5. SOMEONE hasn't fallen in love for the first time.


    But Lucky Ones is about finally being able to fall in love again after having your heart stomped on for the umpteenth time.


    "Feels LIKE falling in love for the first time" (emphasis mine)


    Crazy as since I was three..


    Crazy-ASS. Long before she had a <3 shaped ass, she was crazy-ass. And now you confess that you are too.


    The first step to healing is admitting you have a problem... except that sometimes it's good to be crazy :love:

  6. I abhor all the songs Lana has done with Alexis Smith, especially "Push Me Down." "Kinda Outta Luck" is slightly less nauseating, though very tiring, and I can barely stand "You Can Be the Boss" at all.


    I'm with ya. PMD is ridiculous, and... WHAT?!? No love for KOL? It's hilarious, tongue-in-cheek payback for every piece of misogynistic crap women have had to listen to in rock for the last 50 years, and watch on the silver screen for the last 80. It's the perfect answer to Guns 'N Roses' "I Used to Love Her But I Had to Kill Her" for example. And YCBTB :flutter: never mind I have no excuse for myself


    Is it weird that I'm a straight male and I knew what this was from?


    I don't know. Is it weird that I asked two straight males to be my sister wives? (Still waitin' on that answer, Monicker... :tapsfingers:)





    Quit lyin', that's one of the Cheetah Girls, isn't it? ISN'T IT?





    Uh, isn't it?





    Never mind, I have no idea what's going on anymore in this upside-down universe.

  7. Yes! Even (perhaps especially) the one in Kill Kill, PB.


    :erm: Yeah, it is hot.


    Really, when did I become the token sane person Lucky Ones hater? Where are the rest of my people with taste?


    I have nothing bad to say about LO lyrics. Sure they seem generic, but at the end of BTD? They function as a breath of hope. What makes me skip it almost every time isn't the lyrics, but the pointlessly tepid music. (Reminds me of REO Speedwagon's "Here With Me." Chic-a-chic-a-chooc-AH.)


    The demo, on the other hand, ROCKS. :excited:

  8. 1. My external hard drive

    2. My wedding album

    3. My little black dress that I will never, ever be able to replace should I lose it

    4. My iPod with decent headphones... could replace it, but I don't wanna

    5. My meds... maintaining coping skills in a crisis is always nice

    6. My fridge magnet of my daughter as a 5-month-old-Valentine


    Wow, this is something I need to think about more. Great topic, HH!

  9. Every "mmm", "hmm" or other kind of moan in any song. Except the one at the beginning of "Blue Velvet".


    I tend to agree... except I'm having trouble with the "mmm" in Kill Kill lately. Family Guy fans, read on at your own risk.



    The one right after "I have done everything I can" ...I can't stop thinking of Mr. Herbert. :eek:



    Make it stop... :facepalm:

  10. Oh and the Tumblr hipster phenomena over John Lennon - talk about ridiculous.

    That particular brand of ridiculousness has been going on for more than 30 years :/


    All the points are good (although i don't agree! :) ) but the last, the Beatles revolutionized rock music, they brought it to the next level because they did what others hadn't!

    Well, first they tranquilized it. I think that's Scaruffi's point, but I think it's more true for their early period.


    I'd love to take a music history class to examine how much of the Beatles' later music was truly revolutionary.

  11. Nirvana is regarded as highly as they are today because of great timing--timing in two cases: their rise and their fall (and it, of course, helps greatly that their fall came about from a suicide). They are way high up there in the list of most overrated. But if we want to talk overrated, The Beatles undoubtedly hold that #1 spot. And i'm sure they will never be dethroned. Oy, don't get me started on the overrated Beatles. I was standing in the checkout line at the grocery store today and they were selling this big, thick magazine entirely on the Beatles. It's a huge, global cult.


    Are we soul-siblings or something? I keep telling people how those are the two most overrated bands in rock history! (Except I rank Nirvana at #1. The Beatles are even more worshipped... but they're also a better band imo.)


    And EE basically just reeled off my top 5 grunge bands list. You guys wanna be my sister wives? :P

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