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Gone user

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Posts posted by Gone user

  1. I‘m listening to her episode of the mindscape podcast and I-

    Some of her views are a little delusional let‘s say that. (E.g. she thinks live music will be obsolete in a few years (basically because SHE doesnt like to perform or doesnt wanna fail in front of a live audience...) which is not gonna happen. Another one of her arguments is „DJs get payed more“ ... ok?) Still interesting and all but dam lol

    TL;DR she wants to replace EVERYTHING with AI like literally any topic that gets brought up: she wants everything to be replaced by some computer lol She‘s fascinating but at the same time I wanna shake her to wake up.

    Also you‘ll never see her on social media again because she‘s planning on replacing herself with an avatar online... (which will probably not happen like most of the things she says)

    She also said she sees the tweets of fans demanding songs to be released and that it‘s not gonna happen lol „Maybe before I die I‘ll just release all the demos and stuff“

    She just said she has troll accounts and writes hate comments with them and then feels a lot better. Ok...



  2. Sky is being very vocal about Nasty Cherry's music being an attempt to recycle her sound, and even replied to tweets of people that straight up mentioned Charli. She's angry about it and I totally understand it, what was Charli thinking lmao. Sky needs to come and conquer with her second album like, RIGHT NOW

  3. Ryan Murphy said there will be a big season 10 clue in episode 8 of 1984, and in episode 8 it's mentioned that "back in the 70s, all anyone cared about was Bigfoot and aliens, the Loch Ness Monster..". If I recall correctly, one of the Roanoke teasers they did before the theme was announced was in the same vein of this. Ryan's usually pretty cryptic with clues tho, so idk if he would put that big of a clue in dialogue. I rlly want them to do a season where they go in depth w aliens.


    oooh that would be super interesting. I would also kinda expect some kind of Shape Of Water storyline in the background

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