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Gone user

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Posts posted by Gone user

  1. Looks like I'll remain the only Love Me Wrong stan on this website. :hooker:


    it's great, experimental and profound  :teehee:  she remains unbothered 

  2. The fact that Can't Stop Now is the least popular song from any of her big official releases is so infuriating. It's definitely in my top 3 songs by Allie in her whole discography

  3. Honestly I'm not a fan of his style of music, but I'm so happy we have big artists in Latin America like him being LGBTQ+ allies. I love that so much

  4. Also, completely unrelated, but when did Dancing In The Dark leak? I just found it on YouTube pretty much by accident and I don't remember it being discussed here?


    It leaked in June 2019 alongside some other songs

  5. W-fucking-ow. Allie has done it again, and I'm here for it.

    I'm so blown away by this album in such a beautiful way. I've been following Allie for like 4-5 years I guess? and as a fan it's super noticeable how much she's changed.  In a way I'm very confused cause I feel like she's the same Allie but I also feel like she's so much more honest, so much darker and much wiser and more experimental, and 100000 times better. This album is L E G E N D A R Y, the presence of all these organic instruments drowned in dark violent electronic instrumentals is otherworldly and I'm so fucking sure this will be my AOTY  :deadbanana: I hope I don't get sick of it, cause it's a masterpiece

    My favorites atm: Regulars, Fresh Laundry, June Gloom, SUSIE SAVE YOUR LOVE, Madame X

  6. Is the version of the album that leaked in November the version that is coming out? Do you guys think she's changing anything or is the leak already properly mixed and mastered

  7. Interesting how there's Sex Yeah and Radioactive. Still don't understand why she included these in deluxe version.


    because she then added Teen Idle (as you can see it wasn't even included) and decided to cut it to 12 tracks, I guess

  8. Whaaaaat? When did this happen?  :toofunny:


    like 2 months ago if i recall gjkldf it had been leaked 2 months prior, so we posted it on our YouTube channel and she called us out on Twitter for replicating her font and uploading the instrumental as official when it was... the official instrumental. Anyways we apologized and everything is okay now

  9. This song is so bad OMG..... it's just like Fire Drill, i swear, but ten times worse. Tierra Whack kinda saved the song towards the end, because the production and Melanie's vocals were just a lackluster.

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