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Gone user

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Posts posted by Gone user

  1. Can anyone please share an updated masterpost of her music with me? I've been a fan of her for a year and a half, but I have listened to the same 15 songs on repeat and I really wanna dive into her unreleased stuff + i don't have her B-sides and I really want to add them to my local files  :ohno:

  2. She won't release Breathless anytime soon cause "it's not the right time to release a song about losing your breath"... specially after the story of her dad dying like 3 months ago,,,

  3. Love this fucking album so much. Babylon is A BOP AND A HALF


    i gotta say it

    Plastic Doll makes me cringe so hard  :defeated:  the lyrics sounds like they were written by a recently rebellious Disney star LMAO

  4. This woman had the chance to give us an exciting and profound era, finally got the budget to do good looking videos again, and... this virus totally betrayed her omg

  5. We didn't do shit. That was the unique selling point of the era but in reality that album would have been the same with or without zoom meetings and Instagram lives. Let's not kid ourselves

    LMAO literally what i've been thinking this week

  6. True Romance is definitely my favorite Charli album and I have enjoyed it so much, but I just experienced my first heartbreak ummm literally this week and I'm not brave enough to even press play on some of the songs ):

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