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Posts posted by toshi

  1. Not gonna lie I'm dissapointed in the music video. I got home from work and seen that it was over 10minutes and thought yes Ride teas!!! The Freak part wasn't too bad, that on its own would have been fine, but still it was all too slow motion for me, there was no miming to the lyrics either which I thought would have made it a bit better. The last 5/6 minutes under water where pointless. 


    I've gotta say thought I do like the story line, I just think it could have been filmed and put together a lot better, its cool too think of the underwater scene as them all going to heaven etc, but why wasn't Lana even there? And even so there's no need for almost 6 minutes of them in slow motion in underwater, They could have cut that to 30 seconds and it still would have had the same story line. 


    Its a real shame to see her video's go so downhill because ok she doesn't go on TV anymore or perform live on TV/Radio, but you can get over that because her music is good anyway and she say's she doesn't enjoy doing it. But her videos where what made people interested in her especially me. I mean National Anthem and Ride are masterpieces, as is Born To Die for a video without a monologue. 


    I enjoyed High By The Beach a lot, even though it was simple, but MTWBT and FREAK are not up to par....

  2. I like to think she's getting older and giving less of a fuck just like me. Late twenties ftw


    I agree with this. I'm not gonna lie though I preferred how she looks during the BTD era, so classy and Hollywood 50's looking! But to be fair to her, when she has a magazine photo shoot etc she always looks fantastic. Clearly she does want she wants more now in terms on appearances and I applaud her for that.

  3. Most of Lana's video's are great to be honest, obviously her BTD are the best, but that's probably due to budget too, I mean they look so expensive and look like mini movies, I'm counting Ride in this too. West Coast was good, it just wasn't amazing, but it fits the song well, SOC was on BTD levels too and UV was just the exception that was just bad. HBTB was fantastic for me, simple but it worked for the song, MTWBT is great too, just looks like there isnt a big budget for the mv's this time round. Maybe Lana wanted to keep things more simple this time round instead of having big glamorous videos. I would prefer to her to back to the huge budget, glamour movies but her ones now are just as good in terms of story line and visuals. 

  4. Sorry I'm replying for him because it's a French singer called Matt Pokora who's like the French Justin Timberlake / Zayn he was in a boys band before and 10 years old me spent all her nights dreaming about him when he went solo lmao



    This was so my jam :poordat:


    Ty, he's hot.


    I always imagined that the Freak mv would be shot at a typical Americana motel with lots of kinky sex scenes (the sex scenes would be multiple different kinds of people in different rooms). It would be the motel version of AHS Hotel lololololol :eartha:


    That's hysterical. ''Come to Hotel Cortez be a freak like me too"

  5. It's not because of the lyrics or FJM. Basically back in May/June 2014 Lana started to film the *Original* Ultraviolence video which was set to be about a cult. It seems like they finished it all but soon after Vice took over the production and changed Lana's plan and scrapped that video and gave us what we have now (a crappy video made with $2 app) so in 2015 Lana used scenes from the original Ultraviolence in the album sampler and some of the members on here noticed the water shots as the Pale Fire photoshoot which was apart of the UV video. So fast forward Lana uses the water shots for MTWBT and everybody is happy. Now she's announced the Freak video and in the album sampler when Freak starts we see more shots from the original UV video. And now the shots have likeness to the (real life) Heaven's Gate cult. The Heaven's Gate cult commited mass suicide by poisoning Kool-Aid and drinking it. I think they might've partied too. What do we see Lana and her friends doing? Drinking some red liquid, presumably Kool-Aid and having a grand ol' time! This is why we're thinking the video is Cult-like. :hooker: Hope I helped!


    Interesting to read. I'm intrigued to see the mv more now.


    She just wanted to have fun with these 3 songs.

    + Freak is not that bad as you all say.

    But who am I to judge? I'll enjoy the music video and the music itself. That what matters to me.


    Who is that in your avatar?

  6. Am I the only one who doesn't get cult leader vibes from this? I don't know anything about Father John Misty so if its because of him then that makes sense. I mean I sort of get why with the lyrics, but for me I just think of her wanting to run away to California with her bad boy, who is really more bad than good like the BTD era. I get Shades Of Cool vibes with the lyrics too.

  7. I really like Honeymoon, I didn't at first but it grew on me and now I listen to it pretty much everyday, it was the same with UV though and it took me a while to enjoy her music when I first heard BTD. I guess her music burns slowly for me which I love because I gives her albums longevity, rather than loving it when it first comes out, playing the fuck out of it and being bored the next. Don't get me wrong most of her singles are instant with me like, Video Games and High By The Beach. 


    The only thing that I don't enjoy is that since the BTD era the promo has drastically changed, like is drastically changed from BTD to UV and then went worse for HM. We hardly have any good recordings of her singing her songs like post BTD, which is a shame because she did a fair number of album songs on her last two tours but we only have fan cams. Her videos have changed a lot too which I'm shocked about because she's always said she doesn't enjoy performing on TV/interviews etc, but her videos seemed to be really important to her. Shades of Cool was great but then UV was just  ;). I enjoyed HBTB and MTWBT but they where nothing compared to her earlier videos in comparison.


    For me the music is great and always is, the problems are once the musics released.

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