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Posts posted by toshi

  1. Honestly, she just has go-to words and phrases that include talking about how beautiful something/someone is, and also how blue something/someone is.


    I pray for the day she writes something about " You're so dark dark blue boy but I'm red like fire, like my red party dress on fire baby we're on fiiiiire"

    because then maybe that dress will actually be metaphorically burned and unusable.


    She also says Life Is Beautiful in 'Without You', it must be one of her phrases she likes to use.


    I enjoy that she has these phrases though, It makes it nice that she has a 'thing' that carries on from song to song and with each album.

  2. I'd like mainly demos of all her songs to be honest. From the very start to finish, I think it would be amazing to see the journey some of those songs went through to become what they are now. I don't really know much about her unleaked stuff so I'll just go with demos.

  3. I'm actually here to instagram movies, if it fits the song of course.


    I want her to go back to her huge budget videos, aka Ride, National Anthem, Born To Die. If she gets another video shot with the same quality as Born To Die that would be the best thing ever right now! At the same time if we get a few big budget videos, then I'm happy for a few instagram filter ones too.

  4. I enjoy listening to UV still, but I feel like I'm one of the only users who love Paradise, I think its a great piece of work. I'm not saying I want her to revert completely back to that sound or BTD, but I definatley don't want her to do another similar album to UV. Obviously I want her to progress with her work but I'm hoping its a progression based on BTD and P rather than UV if that makes sense.

  5. not just ride... also National Anthem and Tropico... just reading what I read earlier, I can tell less than half this forum watched Tropico from start to finished and understood the masterpiece


    Yes the National Anthem one is great, when she reads out the Jackie letter its so sad.... massive moment in the video though, which although would have still been a good video, wouldn't have been as touching without that monologue.


    I hear you with Tropico, I think I'm one of the few people who watched it all the way through and understand it and enjoy its story line. I know a few people who watched it and just thought WTF because they didn't really try to understand it.

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