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Posts posted by toshi

  1. Someone added him in a couple pages back. The Daily Mail confirmed he is going through a sex change. Those Kardashian/Jenners must have fantastic agents. They manage to get their faces in everywhere - they even make it into the Honeymoon (Pre-release and Discussion Thread) on a Lana forum.


    I'm still confused but ok.....



    A million times yes! I just keep seeing flowers when I see 'Honeymoon.'

    Mainly because of this picture: 
    Which some part of me constantly insists this is part of the cover shoot :defeated: (even though I know that's not true...)



    This would be a perfect shot for the album cover. Well if we could see her face more it would.

  2. .... Mariah Carey :oop2:




    Lol but anyway on the topic of Lana's reliability when it comes to describing her upcoming records, to me Honeymoon sounds like kind of an "organic" record (i.e no synthesisers or electronic production) With Ultraviolence I almost thought Lana was trying to disguise the project as some forgotten Jazz fusion masterpiece from the 60s. Her name wasn't on the front cover, the cover was in black and white with her in front of an old looking car, and there's some kind of filter put over her voice (most identifiable in TOW) that makes the record sound decades old. So maybe this is something we'll see explored further with Honeymoon. BTD was kind of a mix of the baroque pop of the 70s fuzed with hip hop. Perhaps she'll abandon the modern side of that record at all and deliver a Jazz/Baroque classic straight out of the golden age of Jazz with a tinge of orchestral grunge. Also, perhaps this record will mark a change in attitude for Lana? Not towards some cliche over the top love song (a record full of lucky ones? I'd seriously rather jam a spear up my urethra) but, keeping the grunge element in mind, perhaps Lana will sharpen her claws to trash every aspect of fame that pisses her off. Honeymoon could be Lana's opportunity to vent out all the frustration that's built up inside her over the past four years dealing with fame and becoming a pariah. ugh, all this with red one's production would just slay the charts to high heaven :troll:




    I love how you put the more relevant part of your post in a spoiler  :troll:


    Can we now stop with the Mariah shade, its annoying for people who don't care about arguing. 


    I think a lot of people on here want the same thing visually, its the music side we have different opinions off. I'm hoping for more BTD esque songs and for her to bring the Hip Hop beats back, but I'm sure I will like what she does anyway as I usually do.

  3. She did say that she wasn't crazy about the production on BTD, though.


    She has even more creative control now and Haynie doesn't fit the sound she is going for.


    We don't really know what sound she is going for so she could easily work with him again. 


    I don't understand Lana sometimes, if u love UV so much show some enthusiasm.


    Shoot more videos and promote it.


    She doesn't even give a fuck.


    Also, it bothers me and I am sure a lot of fans as well that she keeps this " I don't do hip hop anymore" bull shit.


    Bitch you literally hate what put you on the map. She'll lose all her fans if she keeps this up tho. But I guess whatever for art.


    I think the label had something to do with that though, either they didn't invest as much in the era as they did BTD or she just didn't want to do all her visuals and promote because she wanted critical acclaim..

  4. I don't see why it would be such a surprise if Lana and Emile did work together on Honeymoon. They clearly have a stable working relationship (her posting a photo together + Wait for Life) and Emile knows Mark professionally from working with Bruno. 


    This! Its not like Lana said she wasn't happy with BTD and then never worked with him again, they obviously have a good friendship and working relationship.

  5. I can't remember if I've posted this on this thread before but



    I always thought Lana could do a nice rendition of Fiona Apple's Criminal (or almost anything else from the Tidal album, in fact). The lyrics are so her.


    Omg Cool and Criminal would be fantastic.


    Another one I'd like is - September Song 

  6. Didn't lana once said in an interview that she doens't mean/want to explain her music. That if people don't get it they just don't get it. She put her all in, and for her that's it. That is what she wants to put out. She doens't want to explain things or talk about lyrics. She puts out what she intends too put out. She talks to her audience with her music.


    This makes sense, like I get that she would want to let the music do the talking and let people come up with their own thoughts on the song. Personally I do enjoy when an artist explains the song though because sometimes you listen to the song in a whole new light. I love Lana's visuals though as they often enhance the message in her songs.

  7. Lana's songs are nearly almost songs that grow on me instead of being instant. I like the sound of this so far, but I'll probably enjoy it more once I know the lyrics. I think it might be a favourite though as its the vibe I love.


    I want Emile on Honeymoon to be honest, I'll be a bit dissapointed if its all Mark Ronson, I like Lana to work with a few different people for variety. BTD had a few different people but the the album still feels complete as a album so I know she can still make an album with songs that all fit together well even working with a mix of producers.

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