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Posts posted by toshi

  1. i can't believe what i'm reading



    Same the monologues in Ride make the song even better.


    I've just been watching the Born To Die video and if she can bring back the same high level of quality back for her videos that would be great and a video with lots of deep meaning would be great as well. Born To Die is like one of my favourite music videos ever, its just shot beautifully and the story line and symbols in the video are just great.

  2. I was just thinking that her label might be pressuring her to make another summer bop such as Summertime Sadness. IDK its hard to see lana make such a happy and kind of man lusting video and not have it be commercial cause thats what most of the music on the radio is.


    Doesn't she like Summertime Sadness though? Just not the and I quote ''remixed the shit out of it'' version? If she does a summer bop, surely it will still be a song she is happy to release, I dont think the label could ever really force her to release something she didn't like, just possibly make remixes she doesn't like.

  3. i think these are some of her best vocal takes - don't know why her voice sounds so unbelievably good / bluesy / nuanced / perfect during this session in particular






    sometimes i forget what she's capable of. this was back in 2012 when the majority of people still hated her ass. the interviewer was so shady here -- he was cold as fuck and refused to compliment her in any way (despite those vocals); instead, he said her band sounded great


    you know you're truly fucking good at something when people find ways to skirt around the compliments lmao 


    That Born To Die performance is amazing. What is NPR is there a video of her performing?

  4. No. Her soundtrack songs hold literally no importance to her albums.


    This! So can people stop complaining about Honeymoon now, because this song probably won't be like anything on her new album, plus I read that she's had thing song ready since 2012 for this movie (literally read in the comments on this site so dont quote me on that) so its definatley not going to sound like her new stuff. 

  5. You're all gonna think I'm crazy, but I really hate it when, during live performances of "Born To Die," she changes "Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain" to "Let me f*** you hard in the pouring rain."  To me, that's her worst lyric.


    I sort of get you but it might be for different reasons. Like I always think of romantic movies where two characters end up kissing in the rain, but when she changes it to fuck, I'm like, who the fuck, fucks in the pouring rain?

  6. I like Ultraviolence and I love some of the songs on it a lot, ''Old Money'' especially, I love that song so much. I just love Born To Die so much more, production wise especially. West Coast is a really good song though and I was hoping for UV to be more of an extension of that song than what it was, because its a summery, cool song. I prefer the radio mix though which I think sounds more like the production on Born To Die, so I'm hoping Honeymoon has that production. 

  7. I think she has exactly in mind what he can add to the sound of the record


    "That’s why I wanted to meet Mark Ronson: I played him ten songs I just composed for this next album. Not so much that he added his usual signature, soul and funk, but rather it explores a sound close to the golden age of jazz"


    I don't remember her saying that, glad she has though. If she has 10 songs composed then the album is probably nearly finished. I imagine she would work fast with Mark so those 10 songs would be finished fast. Saying that, things have probably changed now and he might not be working on 10 songs with her.

  8. everything since I don´'t want her to make a BTD Part II oder UV Part II. If you wanna listen to BTD, do it.  You don't need a new album for that.


    Yeah but a lot of people think that BTD is her best work, so there's nothing wrong with people wanting a continuation of that style. You might not, that's fine, other's do, thats fine too.


    I'm hoping that If Mark does end up producing he makes a nice lively song with her, rather than a moody jazz song. I mean I'm here for both but a lively summer song from him would be great. I can't really Imagine Lana singing Uptown Funk, but something similar to the fun vibe of that song.

  9. I think people need to have a bit more faith in Lana, in terms of her working with Emile. I mean, if you didn't like 'Wait For Life' then I get why you wouldn't want her to work with him for 'Honeymoon', but there's a reason why that song didn't end up on UV and ended up on his song, even though he said it was originally planned for UV. She obviously has more control on the music she puts on her album and probably didn't want it as much as the other songs so unless the songs he makes with her are up to standard I doubt she will put them on 'Honeymoon'.

  10. Updated the OP. 


    Has anyone been able to find that quote about The Other Woman carrying over to the next record?


    Edit: Was this it? From The Fader:


    "I’m a big jazz aficionado. Hopefully my next foray will be into jazz. I feel like I’m getting there with songs like ‘Shades of Cool’ and ‘Cruel World’ and a cover of ‘The Other Woman’ by Nina Simone. I’m inching towards what I really love, which is kind of a Chet Baker, Nina Simone-inspired sound. It’s hard to get that sound because you need great jazz musicians."


    I feel like it was even more explicit than that, though.


    I wish she would sing 'The Other Woman' Live. Maybe she will on her tour.

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