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Everything posted by toshi

  1. Black Beauty is just amazing! I'm so happy with the new version. Slayed........
  2. Black Beauty is just amazing! I'm so happy with the new version. Slayed........
  3. Can someone send me the download link please. I got sent a google drive one but its been used too many times for me to access it right now. Thanks
  4. I often have this problem with Lana's songs, sometimes I heat LQ versions and I don't like the song, then I hear the HQ version and I start to enjoy the songs a lot more.
  5. Can someone link me to the Black Beauty snippet please Never mind, I've already heard it.
  6. Is there a preview for the new version of Black Beauty?
  7. Is there a preview for the new version of Black Beauty?
  8. She actually has an album called 'Lungs'?
  9. I love this so much more. I wish the full song was out though.
  10. toshi

    Song vs. Song

    Video Games or West Coast (Slayage of Video Games)
  11. As as Black Beauty is on the album I'll be happy. I mean Id rather have lots of new material, but since it was planned for it and I've expected it to be on there for such a long time now I'll be dissapointed if it doesn't make it as I've been fantasizing about the finished version and how it will sound for a while now.
  12. Ill be in work when its on the radio so I'll be excited to get home that day.
  13. Oh great, is that confirmed as well?
  14. So the song didnt come out? I've just got in from work.
  15. I want this to actually leak now, teach them that this much teasing is just cruel.
  16. Wait is this actually getting played on the radio???!?!?!?!
  17. It would still be a surprise though, as most people wouldn't have known she was getting ready to release a new single.
  18. I hope she will announce a tour in Europe properly and it wont just be festivals, I really want to see her but I won't be going to any festivals
  19. Black Beauty is such a sad song isn't it.
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