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where tf is sticky

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Everything posted by where tf is sticky

  1. where are all the Boys remixes
  2. do you listen to the exchange tracks much i feel like id have them on repeat every day which is your favourite?
  3. thats really cool and interesting wanna tease how different they all sound?
  4. whats the run time dip daddy?
  5. banned for saying tbh 'no' at the suggestion of no angel being played
  6. I become weaker every day that goes by without the exchange tracks/Sticky HQ
  7. I don't even want 2018 stuff. Jus leak the songs that won't see the light of day :/
  8. As much as I appreciate the mixtapes and leaks they just don't quench my thirst for XCX3 ):... like we've said it would've been a GOLDEN era, I feel like everything else isn't going to fill that void until we get something close to her bikini top & tennis skirt, pink and blue lighting party girl album ): sad, I feel like taxi, tko, no angel, round and round etc all slap so hard nothing else can compare unless she does something like vroom vroom: the next mile
  9. I'm ready to suck 10 just to hear HQ sticky play in the background
  10. Just fuckin leak round and round please just give us one of the holy bangers it's all I need
  12. /listens to all my discord quality/live performance stitched together remasters on the treadmill at the gym dreaming of HQ days.
  13. How do all these other songs leak so easily but we just can't get sticky pls... someone... just give it to us ): Why did we get queen lizzy and not something like taxi or round and round... or no angel
  14. Petition to replace queen lizzy with sticky
  15. Queen Lizzy better not be on the final album. I haven't got time for that low budget non-bop taking a potential pop bangers place... it's so boring
  16. I'm so grateful for these remasters, I just need the official thing now tho ): I'm going to become a recluse until it's out.
  17. Omg Where's the concept demo?
  18. The general public/audience piss me off. How hard is it to bop to a bop that bops even if you haven't heard of it before? I s2g it must be a straight thing 'I can't dance to it unless it's been on the charts/I've heard of it before'.
  19. If the album isn't out within the first half of the year im dropping out of university
  20. imagine listening to Taxi in HQ a concept
  21. y'all quite a few No angel live performances (the better quality ones) have been removed from youtube suddenly could this mean anything?
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