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Posts posted by Jujuba

  1. Someone please put Round and Round super speed up to that Charli clown video HAHAHAHHAHAH I'd do this myself but I know someone can do it better so... DO THAT

  2. honestly r&r is painfully average i've listened to it like 3 times so far and it's just kinda meh


    u haven't blasted to it in the right tempo, girl. Speed it up!

  3. for people complaining of it being too slow, i speed it up a little bit more than the last one I posted (the last one was 137 Bpm, now 139 Bpm). I think more than this would make it sound artificial and fanmade, which i don't appreciate, so... Here it is. I already worked on the ending a little bit more so it won't sound too abrupt.


    LET'S SING IT OUT LOUD, LADIES https://picosong.com/wVJFf/

  4. love this concept!!!! are you gonna sneak in any of the new kim petras


    Secret is one of the most underrated charli tracks ever tbh


    Kim is absolutely IN, i'm just not sure which tracks yet since i'm figuring out the track selection right now


    I never payed much attention to Secret until i heard the demo, i think it sparkles a lot more, it shows better its elements while in the original there's a big noise overshadowing the background tinkles (and they're hauntingly beautiful)

  5. I'm throwing a Halloween party this wednesday and guess who's playing Secret (the creepier demo), 1999, Nuclear Seasons, 5 in the Morning, You (Ha Ha Ha)?????  :flutter:  actually i'm trying to fit all of them on my set, let's see 

  6. I wonder why she doesn't perform it anymore? Like for real.


    She finally realized the big mistake it was to release ATAP and refuses to waste setlist time on it

  7. Poeople calling Slayyyter a hot mess and untalented, being a Charli stan, should be really ashamed of themselves. If I can reasily recall, Charli's BEEN THERE too. She was a hot mess at her beginning and still she was awesome for her courage and nerve. She just got evolving and getting better, because that's the life of an artists, you just DON'T start at your best. Still, I wouldn't call Slayyyter that because she is truly better than a lot of begginners, she has a proper aesthetic and sound (even though being major inspired by other people's work, aren't we all?). She is promising and we can't deny that just because now we listen to major signed artists that had come a long journey of self improvement. Let her breathe and do her thing, goddamit! 

  8. THE BOOK IS NOT CLOSED UNTIL R&R IS ON OUR ARMS  :crossed:  :crossed:  :crossed:  :crossed:  :crossed:  :crossed:  :crossed:  :crossed:




    or not


    who knows


    leak rnr

    Also, she said like Taxi could be released officially at some point in the future ("I’m also really happy that people are hassling me for only one song now, which is more manageable than three.") Like, it's easier now for her to put out this last one song than it was before with 3+ tracks being constantly begged. Let's see what future holds for u :stareney2:  :stareney2:  :stareney2:  :stareney2:

  9. I really hope she gets that coins and attention so she can move forward with her music, albums + touring and people will not be afraid to leak scrapped demos because that would allegedly damage her career (when she's really not giving a single f$ck)

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