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Posts posted by Jujuba

  1. I’m not coming for you but everybody loves to say “I was just kidding / it was a joke” on this forum.. but it’s always a joke until a lead single is leaked or until Charli sees the mean/ disrespectful tweets that “fans” make about her even if they don’t @ her in their post because they don’t expect her to actually see it. THAT is why we NEED to practice being respectful + patient instead of being sassy + entitled etc.


    Like nobody takes manners seriously anymore I don’t get it. Charli is a real person, stop treating her like a significant other and EXPECTING shit from her, Charli’s career is in her own hands to create how she wants.


    again this is not solely directed at you lol


    If you read my post you'll see it was never aimed at her, but aimed at us/fans that gets addicted to those things and can't move forward. If you don't feel that way or can't relate, it's okay, it wasn't posted for you and you don't really need to interact, just like so many of us do when we see some things. I really don't think it was fair enough to use my post to put all this out, because seriously, there are people doing worse. I know it wasn't directed at me, but you used my content as example for something I don't really feel I fit in. But okay. No hard feelings tho. We should think about what we say and share online so things like that won't happen.

  2. If you're a new fan reading this, please listen to me: DO NOT EVER LISTEN TO ANY LIVE RECORDING OF UNRELEASED TRACKS BY CHARLI. It's a trap. It'll make you live like a zombie, starving for a release, begging for HQ versions, replaying those shitty LQ recordings until you die inside. Save yourself of the frustration, enjoy what's released, do not open yourself to the anxiety that expecting those tracks may cause.



  3. I don't think it's over at all, I just think she'll blend it a lot more from now on, using PC elements over poppier songs(just like she did for N1A) instead of experimental PC tracks as seen on VVEP/Pop 2. I still don't know how she'll manage to put out all that material that's already done, like P4U/Party Party/WGFU... I still think a third mixtape installment would do great on releasing these final not-so-commercial tracks tho, but not getting hyped over any other release

  4. Just got 4 wristbands for me and my friends to go to her meet and greet on Saturday!!!! I'm so excited!!! what do I even say besides "oh my god... i love u"


    tell her we are proud of her and we hope everything falls into place so she can release all the songs she wants to

  5. Off topic, but does anyone have this new demo of AG Cook with Sophie and Nicola Roberts called "Potion" (also known as I (Getting Near))??? He just addressed its leaking on insta stories and i'm curiois

  6. Thank you! I was listening to Taxi and I found the mastering/mixing on it is to be louder than other songs in my library so I was wanting to edit the rest of the XCX World tracks to be louder too


    I would advice you to put down Taxi's volume a little, then. It wouldn't lose quality that way

  7. Does anyone know of an audio editing software I can use to edit songs to be “louder” but without distorting the quality?

    there is no such thing, just like there is no way to resize a picture without messing with the pixels quality, because you are really stretching something and trying to make it bigger than it really is. It will lose quality one way or another because it hasn't enough resources, pieces, to be built in a bigger/louder/clearer way. All you can do is edit it softly, with very little changes so the distortion won't be so listenable, or try to smooth up the mess, but still a mess anyway...

  8. fake. I posted the whole album in their original 320 kbps MP3 qualities.

    Those were just converted from more fake lossless files so still not exactly "original"


    @@diplo and @@BloomForYou gotta come to terms, goddamit. It feels like this gif over and over



  9. 200.gif


    I was about to PM you saying I was just being sarcastic about all of us trying to find something to hold on to, even when obviously there is NOTHING, but I couldn't send the message, so here it is. I'm always joking, don't think that i'm a freak. lol ♥

  10. one person has CTMP in HQ and we will never get it unless it's released. that's it.


    why would this one person leak an MQ version of it and let it rest that way for eternity? makes me wonder  :deadbanana:


    when CTMP HQ leaks:


    "CTMP HQ is cool and all that, but Round & Round is what we really deserve."
    when R&R leaks:
    "R&R is cool and all that, but White Mercedes is what we really deserve."
    when White Mercedes leaks:
    "White Mercedes is cool and all that, but Pop The Balloons is what we really deserve."
    when pop the balloons leaks:
    "Pop The Balloons is cool and all that, but Shoes is what we really deserve."
    the cycle never ends. they will never be satisfied until they've drained every single song that poor woman has ever made.






    is this a hint of an order of songs coming next?!?!?  :creep:  :creep:  :creep:  :creep:  :creep:  :creep:


    Ohhhh @BloomForYou, you never let us down   :flutter: but i thought Pop The Balloons would come earlier than that tbh

  12. if 1999 music video isn't spectacular with her cosplaying all the icons from the 90s hit movies i'll RIOT


    Then start drawing posters and putting fire to your underwear, cus it literally will be her riding a bicycle around a fancy neighborhood with fences and stuff.



    Do you think Charli originally had things planned for the other single releases similar to the 5ITM week of “treats”? But she didn’t bother because no one appreciated it?

    She literally put the gun to her head when she said there would be "new music" but it turned out as a bunch of remixes lol

    she probably got a trauma from the reaction and scrapped what would be a bunch of useless remixes made by friends for the other tracks :defeated:

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