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Posts posted by Jujuba

  1. I wonder if these XCX WORLD tracks are even finished. Some of them sounded polished enough like GNO, Waterfall, CTMP, but most of them sound like sketches, like Queen Lizzy and Down Like Whoa. They could use some retouches and aditional production, cus they sound really basic (in production terms specifically). Also, I wonder if there are SOPHIE drafts from them, cus I bet Stargate was kinda brought by the label so it could sound poppier and more mainstream...


    If this was the final product, it wasn't 100%. But probaly it wasn't, maybe they stopped at some point because of all the drama by the label pushing it back and making it hard to move forward.

  2. i think its officially down like wow but i call it down like woah


    the wow is just no


    any receipts for WOW? i'm messing my last.fm up at this point lmao

  3. the charli reputation tour t-shirt is on charlixcxstore.com now btw!


    uglyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy  :burn:


    seriously, i CAN'T understand  how official merch USUALLY tends to be ugly as fuc............. fanmade stuff CRUSHES, it always win.

  4. I'm not listening to live recordings anymore, i'm exhausted stanning it later and waiting forever for a leak/release.  :deadbanana:  :hdu:  :hdu:  :hdu:


    My therapist recomended as well.

  5. You're right... remember I said "low-key" though. :toofunny:


    Anyway... man, those RNR snippets... why are they so slow? Like it's almost no wonder they didn't want to finish it, or put it out... the slow tempo doesn't suit the song. Speed it up, realize it's full banger potential, and release it... I don't see the issue, especially since it sounded amazing live.


    The same with No Angel, the studio version sounds like she is on slow motion lol i can't understand

  6. Low-key thought about that... :toofunny:


    It's the "information age" right? People know about things before they're supposed to, leaks happen, surprises and releases get spoiled... Why not confirm it "dead" or shoot down speculation and then actually surprise people with it? lol

    That's delusional, even though i'd love to believe it

  7. Imagine Round & Round isn't actually dead and the reason why it hasn't leaked yet is because there's still a chance for it to be released in some way

    Or because It makes some people feel special and powerful. It's all about ego :hooker:

  8. told u! the demos highkey suck. there's a faster version from around 2 years ago that is closer to the live version


    but it is easily solved speeding it up a little bit

  9. Little off topic, but I listened to this very unknown 2009 track and it has some elements that I can relate to PC music/SOPHIE productions nowadays, wow (ignore the mv pls)


    Totally could see Charli slamming a version of it

  10. what promotion

    they didn’t lift a finger for any of these singles

    "Promotion", like putting money so those songs went out (and one shitty mv, now two). It is basic and non-suficient but still an investment anyway.

  11. If this is the last release and no mixtape/album drops till December, this promotion will be for nothing and people/platforms will forget her more than she is already forgotten. This summer singles should lead her to something concrete, for gosh sake. Atlantic you disgust me

  12. TEA if she took our advice she’d be the british beyonce by now with here double single of RNR/Taxi

    At this point i don't know If this is sarcasm or what lmao don't play pls

  13. maybe you’re on to something :hooker:

    At this point i dont expect anything, but happening on a alt World would be EVERYTHING


    Plusz imagine if it IS double vídeo and CTMP is the introduction to the new album, a brand New and evolved version of XCX World? Ugh, we should work for her

  14. Imagine the Double video for 1999/CTMP where she goes driving back to her old neighboorhood and flashback memories, finds old friends and lovers and then throw a fucking party? Wow that'd be AWESOME

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