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Lucas B.

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Everything posted by Lucas B.

  1. After all, is it going to be released this 26th or july? Also, where this July release talk began? I hope we get the album on the 26th, if not then I hope it leaks (sorry Lana, but I can't wait that long - i've been waiting since 2015!) SCREAAAAAMING
  2. Sério que você tá convidando a pessoa pra sacanagem? Tinha que ser br mesmo hahahahahahaha zuera
  3. She has to sing PWYC at least one time, it's so beautiful. Was almost forgetting: she has to sings MTWBT too
  4. morto, eu achando que era menino kkkkk mas pelo menos podemos ser migs hahaha também não fui, nem chorei só me tremi. lembro que queria até cabular aula pra ver ela no aeroporto, daí descobri que a safada veio pra sp de carro mesmo I just wish she puts Shades of Cool and Without You back on the setlist. Also she could sing Blue Velvet and Burning Desire again, plus Pretty When You Cry, Old Money, The Other Woman, Black Beauty, God Knows I Tried, Religion and The Blackest Day
  5. It's not May 18th still, at least here in Brazil, but I just wanted to remember you guys that this date marks the 37th anniversary of the death of Ian Curtis, frontman and lyricist of english post-punk band Joy Division, one of the greatest poets of rock that ever lived. Ian was born on July 15th 1956 in Trafford, UK at the Memorial Hospital in Stretford, Lancashire. He grew up in Macclesfield, in Cheshire, and from an early age he exhibited talent as a poet. He was awarded a scholarship at the age of eleven by the King's School, Macclesfield. Despite this, he was not a dedicated pupil and did not continue his education beyond O-level. After leaving school, Curtis focused on the pursuit of art, literature and music. He was employed in a variety of jobs, including being a civil servant in Manchester and later, Macclesfield. On 23 August 1975, Curtis married a school friend, Deborah Woodruff at St Thomas' Church, Henbury. He was nineteen, and she was eighteen. Their daughter Natalie was born on 16 April 1979. She is a photographer. Curtis began suffering epileptic fits around 1978, and his condition worsened throughout 1979 and 1980 amid the pressure of performances and touring. At the time of the recording of the band's second album, Curtis' condition was particularly severe, and bassist Peter Hook would state that, largely through ignorance of the condition, he, Sumner and Morris did not know how to help. Nonetheless, Hook was adamant that Curtis never wanted to upset or concern them, and would "tell [us] what [we] wanted to hear" if they expressed any concern as to his condition. His onstage dancing was reminiscent of the seizures he experienced, sometimes even while performing. There were several incidents when he collapsed while performing and had to be carried offstage. Regarding Curtis' stage performances, Greil Marcus in The History of Rock 'n' Roll in Ten Songs quoted Jon Savage from the music magazine Melody Maker: "Ian's mesmeric style mirrored the ever more frequent epileptic spasms that Deborah Curtis had to cope with at home." Marcus remarked that Curtis' performance "might also have been a matter of intentionally replicating fits, re-enacting them, using them as a form of energy and a form of music." The medication he took for the condition produced side effects including mood swings. Curtis' widow, Deborah, claimed that he began an affair with Belgian journalist Annik Honoré in August 1979. Honoré, however, said in an interview in 2010 that her relationship with Curtis had been platonic. At the time of Curtis' death, his marriage to Deborah was floundering, he was having trouble balancing his family obligations with his musical ambitions, and his health was worsening as a result of his epilepsy Curtis' last live performance was on 2 May 1980, at High Hall of Birmingham University, a show that included Joy Division's first and only performance of "Ceremony", later recorded by New Order and released as their first single. The last song Curtis performed onstage was "Digital". The recording of this performance was included on the compilation album Still. In the early hours of 18 May 1980, Curtis committed suicide by hanging himself in the kitchen of his house at No.77 Barton Street, Macclesfield, at the age of 23. He had just viewed Werner Herzog's 1977 film Stroszek and listened to Iggy Pop's album The Idiot. His wife found Curtis's body the next morning; he had used the kitchen's washing line. Deborah claimed later that he had confided to her on several occasions that he had no desire to live past his twenties. Curtis' body was cremated at Macclesfield Crematorium and his ashes were buried at Macclesfield Cemetery. In 2008 his memorial stone, inscribed with "Ian Curtis 18 – 5 – 80" and "Love Will Tear Us Apart", was stolen from the grounds of Macclesfield Cemetery. It was subsequently replaced by a new stone with the same inscription but in a different typeface.[19] In a 1987 interview with Option, Stephen Morris commented on how he would describe Curtis to those who asked what he was like: "An ordinary bloke just like you or me, liked a bit of a laugh, a bit of a joke." =================================================================================================== Gone but never forgotten, you'll be forever missed Ian. I hope you're in peace now, wherever you are! 1956 - forever Fave song of them, the one that made me become a fan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqUFbd8aAN0
  6. Such an epic film Geek e brasileiro, precisamos marcar um encontro hahahahahaha
  7. What's the news? It won't be released on the 26 anymore? Please, tell me i'm wrong. Holy fuck, sorry guys but if that's true I hope it leaks next week. Can't wait til july, shit
  8. Você foi em algum show dela aqui em 2013? Queria muito ter ido, mas não pude ir. Vou compensar na próxima vinda, amém.
  9. @meultraviolence I read the things you wrote a few pages ago and I want to say how sorry I feel for you. I really wish I could help you, but there's nothing I can't do - we live in totally opposite countries -. Here in Brazil the situation for LGBT people isn't the best, actually is kinda shitty, but thank god it isn't bad as, unfortunately, is in your country. I hope you can get out of there someday and be really happy, that's what we all deserve: happiness, this is the most basic need a human being has. It's totally disgusting the way your country treats LGBT people and women, they treat us and womens not as human beings, but worst than animals. You'll be fine, you'll get out of there someday (soon we all hope) and will be happy. I don't know you, but I want you to know that if there was anything on my reach to help you, for sure I'd do it. Lots of love from Brazil
  10. We already have her best video sis: Shades of Cool, that's a masterpiece
  11. amo, brazil em peso aqui Gurl no please, we gotta get this album this 26. Lana sis, drop the album on the date and make us happy
  12. French fries, coke (even though I prefer pepsi - for real, gays, not bc of lana -) and friday = LUV IT Fuck, now I want pepsi and french fries
  13. you little slut, i'm lmao but yeah, miss soft ice cream has a very good taste for food (spaghetti and ice cream, two things i looooooooooove)
  14. What do you guys think of Lana covering The Smiths's ''Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now'', ''How Soon Is Now?'', ''There Is a Light That Never Goes Out'' and ''Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me''?
  15. Is it just me or you guys also think she's looking weird on the burger pic? I mean, look at her head, it looks like some weird photoshop, like they put her head in a body that's not her own
  16. @tesudapelavida Screaming you're brazilian too, I just saw your username now, didn't noticed it when I quoted you PISA MENOS BRASIL
  17. Lately I've been listening a lot to pop music (which I've always loved and tends to make people feel happy/want to dance around) and now there's Lana with happy songs. I like this, 'cause I felt really sad for a long time (I still feel this way, alone inside, sometimes), and was listening only sad songs, but now i'm feeling a bit more happy and I really appreciate this good/positive vibe Lana's trying to bring to us
  18. Ah, to not get misunderstood: when I say I want a sad album/era, I mean lyrically and sonically (something like PWYC and Old Money), not Lana herself to be sad. I would never want to see her sad, guys.
  19. This would be so nice, plus she could cover ''Light My Fire'', ''People Are Strange'' or Janis Joplin's ''Little Girl Blue''
  20. I'm liking it too, especially cause I feel happy when I see that Lana's happy (and that's what all of us should want). But I still expect something sad like UV for the next era, she has to do another album on that rock vibe - it was her best imo -
  21. I would love this. Also, we were all expecting some black & white witchy cover art after that wonderful trailer. And after the ingredients picture she posted on twitter back in febraury, I was expecting something dark for the album/cover art. Like her playing the role of a dark witch or something like that. Then she gave us the complete opposite. Let's hope we get the dark witch era on LDR6
  22. Listening to Blue Velvet right now and thinking why it got deleted from her channel. I know the mv was made for the H&M commercial, but why the hell it got deleted from her channel? Same for the poor version of Bel Air. Wish I could have these two and the director's cut of Shades of Cool in 720p (SOC DC I have in 480p only) Paradise's version of Yayo always makes me cry, holy fuck - it's even sadder than the A.K.A. version -
  23. For sure I wanna live to see this day come to light, I need uv 2.0 (that's when I'll have my lust for death again, 'cause now sis made us have some lust for life)
  24. Whenever she says ''coming soon'' I get Tropico feelings, and you must know what I mean
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