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Lucas B.

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Everything posted by Lucas B.

  1. @@lostindarkparadise Me too, it would be great to see her doing some live performances. Would love to see her on european tv shows, like she did in the BTD/Paradise Era.
  2. Maybe it leaks tomorrow? I guess we can expect it, after all the UO and other stores will have it.
  3. I really hope not, we'll know if someone asks Lana during the meet n' greet. But I really want it to be in some edition of honeymoon.
  4. Last night I dreamed a guy had leaked Life Is Beautiful on soundcloud. Lana needs to release this song!!!
  5. how to get the wristband for the autograph session in NY? a friend of mine is is NJ and he wants to go.
  6. the fans are goin' deeper and deeper, harder and harder, getting darker and darker, looking for the album in all the wrong places, oh my god!
  7. you're so lucky, i'm sure it will be amazing to meet her in person. I hope i have the chance too when she returns to Brazil, but it looks quite hard to take a pic with her during the shows. there's a lot of fans in the front row and it takes time/must be hard to atend every one of them
  8. this means he will try later today or he can't access till 18th?
  9. ''U.S. ONLY'' shit, this isn't fair, she has fans across the globe, not in the USA only
  10. Seriously, someone needs to ask her these things, especially LIB and the live dvd/blu-ray from hollywood forever
  11. I hope Jami has luck on buying it, maybe Best Buy or other have it and sell it, let's pray.
  12. Some fans received the vinyl today, maybe we get a leak later today.
  13. I really hope in some edition of honeymoon, maybe the japanese edition has it.
  14. @@JamiDelRey are you still going to the UO store today? Can't wait for the hq version of the album.
  15. Also, I would love to see her acting. She would be a great actress and it would be very nice to see her in a film directed by Tarantino or a film directed/written by her. Can you imagine the black screen with those words: ''Directed and Written by Lana Del Rey'' or ''Starring Lana Del Rey''? It would be awesome to see our favorite girl on the theaters screens.
  16. Don't say that, she needs to continue singing. She's one of the best singers the world ever saw, such talent, but I felt this when I saw Swan Song lyrics for the first time too and I admit I was really afraid with this possibility. But she said she has plans on releasing albuns within 15 months, so let's just expect for the next, and the next and the next...
  17. Any thoughts of why Lana/Universal didn't released a dvd/blu-ray for the hollywood forever concert? The second one, from October 18th was professionally recorded, I saw the videos on youtube and she was great.
  18. The second concert (October 18th) was professionally recorded, I just wanted to know why Lana/Universal didn't released a dvd/blu-ray for it yet.
  19. Me too, it's one of my faves. Fairuza Balk did an amazing work as Nancy, really wicked bitch witch
  20. I hope we get hq soon and that Lana release Life Is Beautiful or the hackers leak it.
  21. LOL, I know I won't hahahaha If some of you guys get arrested, I'll send honeymoon copies
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