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Lucas B.

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Posts posted by Lucas B.

  1. soooo for the people who have listened to the lq leaks or went to the UO listening party, could you rank the songs from favorite to least favorite? I'm just curious to know everyone's opinions

    Favorites: Freak, Salvatore, The Blackest Day, 24, God Knows I Tried, Music To Watch Boys To, High By The Beach, Honeymoon (especially the bridge)

    Least Favorites: Terrence Loves You, Art Deco, Religion, Swan Song, Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood

  2. YOU GUYS .


    My friend on twitter is getting his vinyl delivered tomorrow! (I saw receipts) But he says he doesn't have any kind of converter for the vinyl 

    It will be good enough if they sell it to you tomorrow, after all you said you're going to the stores tomorrow morning, right? Let's hope they sell it.

    Actually, I find it cute/cool how desperate you are to buy and share it with all of us :) 

  3. I know I'm sorry for being this extra I know it must be super annoying but like, I really thought I'd never ever get the chance to ever see her because I'm extremely bad at snatching concert places and she has so much dedicated fans and to meet her personally is all I was craving for and I really really thought I wouldn't be able to get a receipt. There is too much going on for me and it having all the best things happening at the same time is overwhelming. I'm going to take a cold shower with my clothes on and then I won't post again I apologize

    you're so lucky, i'm sure it will be amazing to meet her in person.

    I hope i have the chance too when she returns to Brazil, but it looks quite hard to take a pic with her during the shows. there's a lot of fans in the front row and it takes time/must be hard to atend every one of them

  4. to my dear LB sis who will be able to see Lana at the signing event, pls help us to ask the following questions:

    1) where is Life Is Beautiful? :hooker:

    2) will she do a (real) world tour in the near future? :troll:

    3) when will MTWBT MV get released?  (as well as dark paradise, cola, and pretty when i cry) :creepna2:

    4) will she do some TV/radio interviews? will she participate in any music festivals in the near future? :defeated:

    5) is she already planning on the next project?  :creep:

    6) when will the Live at Hollywood Cemetery get released? :fabcat:


    Seriously, someone needs to ask her these things, especially LIB and the live dvd/blu-ray from hollywood forever

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