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Everything posted by Heartmachine

  1. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    A.G.'s "head dance" at 2:18... #relatable lol
  2. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    After the little Boom Clap sample and to the end, yuppp... it goes hard. One of my favorite moments on the mixtape.
  3. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    Such a cute, cool, and quirky stan-worthy queen... Now release XCX3!!
  4. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    There's no good reason for it to be though. A potentially massive radio audience/sales vs a relatively small leak-audience (most would still buy it on official release)? They're treating the leaks like it's the end of the world. Songs are recorded to be consumed, not sat on, withheld from release, and scrapped or rewritten. Wow I hate Atlantic lol.
  5. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    What if Charli babe performs CTMP at the POP2 shows? Yaaasss queen, do ittt!
  6. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    Does anyone feel like just a slight boost in tempo (like SOPHIE does live) with a lot of these PC/post-Sucker tracks would actually do them a lot of good? Like Vroom Vroom sounds better with that ~10 bpm boost (or whatever it is) live, over the studio version IMO... same with GNO, same with Bounce, etc. Like I'm half expecting some of these XCX3 songs to sound slow compared to the live performances, whenever they come out. It honestly makes a big difference when a song isn't recorded/played at the right tempo. I mean, when I was playing in a band a few years ago, we self recorded one of our tracks a little slower than we should've... Then we did it over again, a year or so later, with a sound engineer in his studio, got the tempo right, and it was like night and day how much more energy the song had. Same with the sped up SOPHIE/Charli tracks... they just sound better (to me) a little bit faster. It's like these songs were written in such a way where a faster tempo just compliments the music a bit better. Hard to explain...
  7. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    Joined and bookmarked...
  8. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    For real... How does the QUEEN, Charli XCX, not have a huge, dedicated fan-forum??
  9. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    Plot twist: Charli performs Taxi and Round and Round... :defeated: lol
  10. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    Hearing this makes it so hard to not beg for leaks lol... but even then, I've caved and dug around on SoundCloud a couple of times, out of curiosity.
  11. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    As much as I see what you're saying and agree... Track 10 isn't exactly a "commercial cut." It's hard to say if the label would approve of a more experimental track like that on the album. Not meaning to be negative, but I just don't really trust the label this era in allowing Charli to really do what she's been wanting to do, if you know what I mean. Their "stamp" is all over ATAP, and she was given Boys... all of the rad SOPHIE demos are in limbo or dead... the album is allegedly being "scrapped/rewritten..." It just doesn't seem like the label is 100% on-board. They just seem a little too involved and like they're trying to steer Charli elsewhere. Somewhere hyper-mainstream. Sucks...
  12. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    I wish I could go to one of those smaller mixtape shows... they looked pretty hype from all the YouTube vids.
  13. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    Wow... glad that the Blame It On Your Love demo turned into Track 10 in the end. So much better.
  14. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    Ugh yesss... her new direction with PC Music feels like such a logical next step from the True Romance era too.
  15. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    I need this song... bad...
  16. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    "...taxi for them, taxi for him, taxi for her... don't talk, GET IN!" :defeated:
  17. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    https://youtu.be/vzwj1A03GlI?t=50s :flutter:
  18. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    That "Dance All Night" track kinda sounds like it has a Dua Lipa "New Rules" vibe to it... the main difference is just how the beat pops OFF when the chorus drops in New Rules... lol Charli needs something like that. She's got the hooks, she just needs a sick drop that comes in and destroys the airwaves.
  19. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    Some general insight on the album delays, if anyone hasn't seen this... this was also a year ago (and still no album). So we're now 2 mixtapes later... the Boys video/single is approaching 100 million views, and just won an NME award. The mixtapes and their songs have brought in millions of views... that's not even counting streams on streaming sites, general press, clicks, OR actual sales. Then the leaks happened... Man, what are they waiting for?? If Atlantic just did their jobs and got the new material into the right hands and promoted it, allowed Charli to promote it, and got the songs out to the radio stations... Plenty of DJ's and EDM artists and whatnot are fans of Charli... no doubt they'd spin her new stuff in clubs in some capacity, especially if it's a clubby album. That's going to spread the hype around... I really think her label is just way overthinking everything. Get the music out and let it speak for itself. Nobody makes any money if you're just going to sit on material. And it's not like nobody is going to buy the album just because a relative few people know that it leaked... And here's a personal confession... I've downloaded leaked albums before, like 2 weeks prior to their actual release date, and still, I bought the album twice over. People are going to support the artists they like. /rant
  20. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    ...I just want XCX3 to have that super high future club vibe. ...whenever it comes out. Don't compromise the OG vision. I'm kinda reaching a point where like, so long as it's a banging album, idc what actually is released on it. I just hope the fan-favorite/requested tracks that have been teased in the last couple of years are all released in some form.
  21. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    Yoooooo Atlantic, can XCX3 come out soon plsss? Thx...
  22. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    Yeah what's the deal with that? I've always found it kinda odd that there isn't really a dedicated, full Charli XCX forum...
  23. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    Wooow, I think I would've probably died at ~1:20 of sensory overload... being graced by the queen and drowning in the lights and heavy bass. Charli needs to roll through soon with a heavy PC music set. I'm there, 1000%...
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