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Everything posted by Heartmachine

  1. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    Really kinda agree... live it seems to sound really nice and bassy, but the studio leak just sounds too clean and bare... not full-bodied at all. Upping the tempo like it is live would help too slightly. Drown me in loud reverberated bass Charli queen...
  2. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    "...whoop, ahhhhh... *pssst*... BEAUTIFUL..." :defeated:
  3. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    Seconded... hot, talented QUEEN... :flutter:
  4. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    Another day and another day Round and Round is stuck in my head without a studio version...
  5. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    I hope Charli never abandons PC music... she's already proven that she can do so much with it.
  6. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    Charli bae... I STAN! https://www.instagram.com/p/BfT4wodF5ri/
  7. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    Who wants to bet that the XCX3, as we know it, will just be released as a future mixtape? The fact that GNO, Bounce, No Angel, etc. are still "alive and well" and such, even though the "album" is scrapped and leaks and whatnot... but if they're still going to see a release following all of that, it seems like it can only be done through the mixtape format or though EP(s) with Charli's Vroom Vroom Recordings. Whatever happens, I just want these songs.. especially R&R and Taxi.
  8. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    I NEED Charli to release her groundbreaking magnum opus, party album of the future!! Don't scrap it Charli babe!! :defeated:
  9. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    Just some journalist being a journalist... where's the album? lol
  10. Oh I know right?? I wonder if MFC is going to stylistically resemble the MFC EP from a few years ago... I think their song "Me" was from that one... and come to think of it, "Chocolate" too correct? I'd bet their new EP comes first before the album though. Either way, I'm ready for whatever's next!
  11. Went back quite a few pages looking for a topic about them... didn't find one, but if one exists already, sorry... ...but can we take a minute to appreciate this brilliant performance? What. A. Tune.
  12. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    What IS it about Vroom Vroom tho?? Song comes in and everyone goes absolutely bananas.
  13. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    CTMP would be bangin' on that T. Swift arena tour...
  14. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    ...did XCX3 just get pushed to 2019? I hope this tour isn't setting anything back. Charli should be playing a ton of songs off it and getting the music out there, but that's probably not her call.
  15. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    Oh idk, I was just talking about the YouTube video I saw, but it was removed from the site a few weeks ago... :/
  16. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    The LA Exchange tempo was perfect thooo...
  17. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    Charli just tryna be vintage punk with the usual Charli "glamorous" touch... lol
  18. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    I would pay an extravagant amount of money (in "song" terms) for Taxi alone...
  19. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    Slays so hard every time!! :defeated:
  20. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    Idk if I'm just seeing more PC Music on YouTube and such because of the whole search-algorithm it has, or if PC Music is just slowly seeping into the mainstream more, but if that is the case, maybe XCX3 is getting closer... Maybe Atlantic is waiting to drop the album when PC sounds start to trend more and more... so I mean, hopefully that's sooner rather than later. I just hate the whole business aspect of dropping a record... like, let the music be. Music is music... let it be what it is, at its conception. Let it be different if it's different. This whole, "waiting for the timing to be right... waiting for the market to be right" nonsense just sucks... Sucks for the artists and sucks for the fans. Not saying that's what's happening, but it could be maybe... Then now, if PC Music is the next big thing in the mainstream, everything is going to sound like it, in a few months time, and then nothing is special anymore. XCX3 could just blend right in with everything else. Idk... I really just think the best way to promote and release music is to not over-commercialize it, but whatever... Edit: sorry just ranting again.
  21. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    "Nah nah, nah nah, OHH! Nah nah, nah nah, OHHH!!"
  22. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    That melody... "You got me spinnin' round tonight / we're on a rollercoaster ride..."
  23. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    The time I became a Charli stan...
  24. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    The American music industry kinda sucks tbh... and the general American's taste in music, IMO kinda sucks too lol, so that doesn't help... For example, obviously this is all my personal taste, but my favorite band is a group of Aussies... They sound incredible, are crazy talented, progressive, but they haven't been to the States in over 2 years because it apparently isn't financially viable (or something) for them to tour here. Sad. People here don't really appreciate "different." So the industry just seems to want to keep generating generic "hits" (I say it that way because I can't stand much of US mainstream radio)... that all sound roughly the same and follow the same vibe and structure. There isn't a whole lot of room for experimentation and new ideas, which (now enter) Charli, brings a lot of to the table... Her music retains a certain "creative integrity" (which is really hard to explain) but it's just something I hear and perceive in her music. Idk... But the UK and Aussie music industries? They seem to appreciate and promote talent and new ideas accordingly, based off of what I've seen... And that's just it, Charli is kind of an outlier, but she cranks out really accessible tunes. It's all pretty likeable stuff, but it isn't "good enough" for radio? ...despite being "mega talented" quoted from many mainstream media journalists and industry insiders? Suspicious... Part of me feels like she doesn't fit some kind of agenda or something, which American entertainment does a lot of... promotes certain ideas through music, movies, etc. It's awful, because then at that point, it stops being about the art... and that shows through generic, boring, same-sounding manufactured hits that change hands way too many times to have any real substance. It's just way over-commercialized... But give her songs to Selena Gomez, or whoever else, and suddenly it's all over the radio? Idk...
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