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Posts posted by FkaTwinks

  1. I'm just saying, Cry Baby had no reason to get pressed over Johnny not showing up at her birthday party, when she mailed out all her invitations as 1 package with no stamps or addresses, and it was kinda a dumb idea that not showing up at the party = immediately broken up. Its not that deep smh


    #JusticeForJohnny, he was good to her and got forgotten over a invite he wouldnt have ever received  :poordat:

  2. Both Pacify Her and Pity Party are GOOD.


    The worst song on Cry Baby? Mrs. Potato Head. Or Mad Hatter. 




    About the "Jump Rope" snippet or something, the percurssion at the begin reminds me of Pacify Her so much. I bet the probably either made the final songs using elements from older ones\reworked or they went scrapped for sounding "too-alike". 

    Mrs Potato Head is lyrically one of her best songs in general, and she knows it. Mad Hatter also bops and we've stanned it since she first performed it on the Dollhouse tour. Pacify Her and Pity Party didnt age well and, while the former didnt add much to the story in general, the latter was kind of a lazy end to the Johnny arc and it could have been closed with a different song  :hooker:

  3. LMAO not all of you talking about good songs and not mentioning Pacify Her HA

    Pacify Her didn't age well, and it doesnt serve much purpose as anything more than an inferior version of Alphabet Boy now  :P


    Pacify Her could have been scrapped and the story literally would be exactly the same but without a filler break

  4. She never said that these songs where fake lol.. she just said that some of them are scrapped

    Sometimes I highkey wish she released the planned Dollhouse album instead of kinda digging herself a grave with the "every album I make will be a visual concept album about this baby character in adult situations" thing, because You Love I, Night Mime, Carousel especially although that one got justice, etc, snapped exponentially harder than Cry Baby tracks did  :$

  5. i really was considering buying a japanese cd from eBay but i'm too poor to afford a $30 demo song :,(


    honestly i listen to his bandcamp eps more than wdytatc

    Omg I tried to ask people to rip Midwest from the Isombard vinyl once and they told me no because piracy is bad and immoral bla bla bla, but part of me believes they just like feeling superior as people with +1 more song than others  :smh:

  6. is anyone going to japan anytime soon?

    I imagine itd be easy for someone to buy a Japanese copy import but it seems nobody will for no reason or another  :poordat:


    Its hard being a Declan stan when 99% of his general fanbase doesnt look for anything and most of them dont even know he had Bandcamp EPs  :poordat:

  7. makes sense. I thought he just ran out of interesting Allie stuff to leak lol. he was great cause he couldn't help himself but just leak everything.

    There's tweets by people referring to both a soundcloud Allie leaker and then Gaga content leaker Farhan by the name Chase Bigsby, with proof (Twitter DMs, here's a whole expose thread) for that name belonging to latter. And now, chasebigsby is a privated account, Farhan hasnt posted since July 20th and 24/7 gave the account to someone else and left it to quickly die off.


    I've been a stan of both Allie and Gaga since 2014 and 13 respectively so its really weird putting two-and-two together that these leakers are the exact same person, but I guess it explains a lot

  8. don't get me wrong like it is a bop by all means, but to me, this being a marina song is just...yucky

    It does feel weird for Marina to be using a trendy lowkey-overhyped sound with a random rapper attached for what from most pop girls would be considered a cheap attempt at getting a hit. The formula worked for Electra Heart (although there were no rappers to ruin that) because of the theme, her original intention to release it as a different artist separate from Marina and the Diamonds, etc, but I'm wondering how it will fit this time around. Hopefully the full version doesnt feel as calculated.

  9. i think if u expected these songs to be hard hitters/bops, u expected too much. i dont see myself playing these songs all that much but in context of the movie im sure these songs add a nice atmosphere, so i think thats what these songs do good

    I didn't really expect high tempo smash bangers in this particular case, and I don't think a song being slower makes it automatically worse, Draw the Line is one of my favorite songs from Allie in general. I just didn't like her lyricism here, especially when that's the most prominent feature in these specific songs, rather than a nice melody or good production or something of that sort. It's kinda sad to me that Science is this amazing brilliant pop song, one of her best songs since her debut as Allie X, only to be followed up by two uninteresting tracks where 99% of the lyrics involve her blatantly describing a topic with little to no interesting metaphors and unclever rhyming. It's a no for me  :poordat:

  10. Sunflower sounds like a CollXtion I song omg





    Personally, I don't particularly like either Sunflower or Kid Wonder, idk, maybe Allie's just not the best soundtrack writer? Everything's too on-the-nose and basic and her songs are more interesting / overall enjoyable when they're actually something that came from her rather than a check to write it for a random film. These 2 songs are just kinda bland and boring to me? Literally everything she's released herself, from That's Just Me all the way to Science, outsold.  :toofunny:

  11. And all this NSBILA vs BITCH feud I don't get it since NSBILA for me was like the second BITCH emulation but this time around better than Simon Says and not so clear. The weirds synths are still there tho, love 'em.

    In my eyes, Simon Says was very successful in its role as a Bitch sequel and added a whole other layer of depth to the original concept while still fitting in with the rest of the tracks on its album, meanwhile NSBILA struggles to find its footing as a predictably written Downtown parody, and struggles as a song to actually progress from CollXtion II instead of sounding like a rejected demo from it that she heard one day in the car and decided it was worth releasing in its unfinished form last-second instead of taking the time or effort to update it in any way. That's just my opinion tho  :flutter:

  12. NSBINLA sounds better than Bitch and All The Rage.... they should have been kept to herself.

    NSBILA sounds like an unfinished demo and its not even mixed at the same volume as Focus and Science, a mess  :deadbanana:

  13. TLIV, Need You, Bitch, All the Rage, Vintage and Lifted are all good


    If you're gonna come for a song for being mediocre, come for NSBILA or Kid Wonder xoxo

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