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Posts posted by FkaTwinks

  1. There's a court hearing today on the Mars vs Titanic & Poppy case, so thats something relevant worth posting here if anyone forgot


    Hoping for justice  :)

    Ok mess I was told lies and its actually on Friday, Sep 14, well  :toofunny:

  2. There's a court hearing today on the Mars vs Titanic & Poppy case, so thats something relevant worth posting here if anyone forgot


    Hoping for justice  :)

  3. Alright but isn't mars argo working with poppy's abuser?? Like you many not know, but a lot of victims of abuse fall back into the same type of people multiple times because they don't feel like they're worth more than the treatment they're receiving.To me both seem like deeply psychologically fractured women who latch onto people who they feel are stronger or more capable than them,the blame should be primarily placed on the abusers not them but its not right what they're doing either.


    @@evalionisameme Mars never worked with Poppy’s “abuser”, Titanic & Poppy only said that because they wanted to try and defend themselves even though Mars hasn’t worked with Josh since 2014 and it was at some random photoshoot when her and titanic where still dating

    Even if Mars did work with him now, it wouldnt matter because there's no proof Josh abused Poppy (as much as I hate drawing the "no proof" card to this kind of topic). Yes, Josh beat the shit out of Titanic and broke his lawn chair, but still, he didnt abuse Poppy, he didnt date Poppy, Poppy never appeared on his social media unless Titanic was also there bc thats the only connection they had, he was close friends with Titanic no matter how much Titanic wants to claim otherwise and the videoclip was the result of an argument they had that clearly ended up getting resolved as many many people claim Poppy and Titanic still followed him in 2017, and theres proof Josh posted that the lawsuit Poppy and Titanic filed against him was immediately thrown out without even a second hearing.


    And Poppy and Titanic didnt make up the "Mars and Josh are collabing thing". They heard that theory because of the Mars Argo discord server from forever ago, because Titanic literally is constantly checking up on this fanbase for info on Mars, like the creep he is. Even my Instagram 'grocerybagtv' is blocked by Poppy, except, I never posted anything, I'm on private, I never commented on anything related to her, etc etc. 


    Somewhat Off-topic: ANOTHER thing I'm not sure reached the internet outside of Discord, I was friends at one point with a guy (I'll call him O) who was a former admin on the Poppy server and was generally trustworthy to some extent in my eyes because he was friends with the Titanic hacker, bla bla. Basically, at one point iirc his former best friend (I'll call him T) got in contact with Mars' current boyfriend (not posting his name out of the sake of Mars' privacy, I'll just say M) and had some conversations about her and what not, and when O tried to do the same while in a fight or something with T, T told M that O was hired by Titanic to try and get Mars info from M. But instead of a basic short reply, M reveals that Titanic has literally done it before, he's gotten people to try and befriend M to get Mars' contact information, at one point Titanic actually got M's phone number and called him multiple times, including to yell at him about Mars or to just breathe into the phone like a weirdo. I probably mentioned this whole encounter in the list of problematic things Titanic did that I posted days ago, but idk. It was a whole thing, I've seen screenshots of those DMs before but I can't find them now.


    As a devoted Mars stan since 2016 I've really seen a lot of mess, yes I know the above paragraph is really confusing   :deadbanana:

  4. my super sunset tracklist:


    1. super sunset (intro)

    2. not so bad in la

    3. little things

    4. science

    5. girl of the year

    6. body break (interlude)

    7. can’t stop now

    8. the other side

    9. kid wonder

    10. sunflower

    11. focus

    Personally I'd fix the volume of NSBILA and then I wouldnt include the unholy Kid Wonder in general  :creep:

  5. Someone needs to make a Masterpost of all the unreleased songs.

    Here, I'll just update/use this for Hauntedbymel content specificially: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/j1dzk7e30dd176z/AADretUywxEnqeFriY7sTKmva?dl=0


    Not including snippets because the "original files" or original links of those arent as easy to find and things would get messy otherwise


    I'm aware of the original Poppy filenames so thats what the numbers at the end of the renamed ones in my link are from, I'm sure one of the Melanie things could have had a number or something but idk the original filenames so  :hooker:

  6. so...

    15 tracks?

    "it might be a deluxe track" lmfao as if she wasnt already polishing the deluxe edition well over a year ago


    These Twitter insiders are a joke and watch the song be on the standard tracklist  :creep:

  7. Booooooooo.


    If they're not from MM2, who cares? 

    Drama Club is probably the only song thats been named, teased or leaked by people after the hauntedbymel messiness that actually has anything to do with MM2 lbr

  8. That time she worked with Dr. Luke though.

    If you mean Primadonna, I'll forgive that since #FreeKesha wasnt a thing yet and every pop girl was working with him, and the credit will remain a stain on her discography but oh well

  9. Aren't u a Melanie Martinez stan

    There's a difference between Timothy Heller and Mars Argo, and thats that everything in Mars' timeline checks out and there's evidence behind many of her claims as well as some included directly in the lawsuit she filed


    Well I obviously can't post anywhere without him quoting me about how he hates Poppy, so yeah, that's pretty creepy. You people spamming the Poppy thread or any other thread I post in won't stop me from enjoying her art or talking about it. So I suggest you all to talk about the artists/things you enjoy rather than trying to annoy me for liking Poppys art. Am I A Girl? out on Halloween btw buy and stream it, xoxo

    "can't post anywhere" sis I only ever quoted you in the Poppy thread and then here, which in the former case that thread-raid esque event wasnt directed towards you, but Poppy and Titanic themselves, meanwhile my signature clearly states I'm a Marina fan and its completely valid for me to make a post here, particularly one about my opinion that I hope for Marina to never work with problematic rats  :P



    We're getting off topic tho, Gold snapped and I hope for more songs like it from Marina

  10. Won't listen to anything until the official song/album is out honestly. By her tweets I feel like it will be her most depressing album though. Anyways Electra Heart and FROOT remain excellent.

    I mean, if Marina is gonna start doing upbeat collabs more often, then I'm fine with it as long as she never ever ever works with or promotes Poppy or similar abuse enablers


    Can't be that bad if its a Marina album & TFJ will always remain her most depressing and excellent simultaneously  :creep:

  11. Was Drama Club recorded for MM2? Makes sense considering MM2 is very obviously about a school according to those promo photoshoot pics that photographer accidentally leaked forever ago, as well as her other hints. The main two Poppy songs hauntedbymel had (If U Like and Good To Me) werent actually finished until late 2017 for a very early form of Poppy's second album, and Melanie's second album has been done audio-wise for seemingly forever, so I wouldnt be surprised if hauntedbymel magically has a song or multiple from its sessions.  :creep:


    screaming. he could have just dumped his hard drive contents online before the feds got him though  :deadbanana: i think he didn't have as much stuff as he led us to believe (in terms of Gaga stuff) but like ugh, this is what happens when you scam people bish.


    supposedly many of his Gaga rares were stem/multitrack/whatever edits and he also never had the final version of Alexandra but pretended to with the demo snippet Allie sent to the OHDH contest winner in 2016. Never forget he made a fake Double Dutch snippet once with Remember Forever stems too  :facepalm:


    did he actually get arrested though


    what kind of burim teas


    From what I hear, yes  :toofunny:  So I'm not really expecting any major Allie leaks any time soon unless someone else with content decides to come through

  14. So, a studio version of Thousand Words exists? I’d love to hear that.

    I wonder if it sounds more cry baby-ish or has a totally different sound

    I imagine it sounds much closer to the Dollhouse EP, You Love I, Night Mime, Wicked Words, etc sounds realistically but thats just my guess

  15. “Unhappy Meal”, “Dressed In Mistakes”, “Jump Rope” & “Arts & Crafts” will most likely be leaking soon.

    I just want justice for the final studio version of Half Hearted that got replaced with Play Date last second  :defeated:

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