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Everything posted by leaked_version

  1. Not that I would be suprised, but something screams to me an overexcited gay fan wrote this fake review
  2. I will just run into this thread to say that I want this to be the official cover cause it makes everybody else mad and I like that
  3. Does anybody take the RS serious anymore? The reviews there declined since the 1990's in such a terrible way. It's not really that they have stopped BTD from selling round 5 million copies. Nobody reads reviews anymore besides "stans" and they are most likely written by stans of other artists these days. And I bet some of these magazines are fuming since they have laughed her off and prognosed her to fade within two or three months.
  4. Ich boykottiere. #Justice4Köln
  5. Knowing her taste in men, that is the last thing I would ever think of.
  6. When you take away the filler songs from an 18-track album, you have a decent 10-12 one.
  7. I really don't know what to think of it. This could be brilliant or a train-wreck. I just wanna listen to it. Wonder when the previews will be up
  8. Ich bin Kölner. Soll sie nach Köln kommen. Hier sind auch viele schwule Männer, verdammt!
  9. How is it possible that there is no mod around for the whole day to a) ban the trolls b) close this threads or delete posts? HOW?
  10. Please someone re-name this thread in: Me. The Mess. The Ultraviolent Thread.
  11. I don't have beef with ha, I was just irritated. Is that fair to say? Ok, the "STFU" was a bit harsh, but I am a bit harsh at times, I thought most people have already noticed, It's nothing personal.
  12. Srsly, you just prove to be a pretty huge pain in the ass.
  13. You are such a drama queen, honestly. When you want to express your opinion, I can also express that I strongly disagree with you. And no, you are not right when you say that the production sucks. The production is actually pretty awesome. it just obviously isn't something you enjoy, which I said earlier is fair eniugh, but saying nothing about the actual work Dan Auerbach put into this. The radio mix is nice for the radio, but it is a quite generic take on it to make it suitable for the radio, which I don't mind since I can listen to generic music and I want her to get exposure. Funny how you posted above that you want her to progress and not regress and while this song is for sure more progressive than anything on BTD or Paradise, you don't like it. It rather seems that you want more of the same-same. If you have mentioned the songwriting and that the topics have stayed the same, that would have been understandable.
  14. Please, stfu about some things you don't understand. You may not like the style of it, which is fair, but WC is not horribly produced. As much as I like you, some of your posts just outshine everything with desperate ignorance like "I don't like it = bad"
  15. I am wondering if she started to record and work on this record with other people before she met Dan and decided to let him produce it. There were pictures of her and Emile, he most likely will produce at least one song on the album and I can't imagine Dan Heath not making the record. As much as I love West Coast, I was hoping to hear more than 10 other tracks on the record, maybe just 2 or 3 more. I really can not imagine myself how the record will sound like, most likely there will be tempo-changes in there, which I think is a good thing.
  16. the radio needs something that is more catchy. What is there not to understand. People can still enjoy the album version. So much drama about this new mix, as if it is not a common thing to have radio edits.
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