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Everything posted by leaked_version

  1. When you bring up mental illness into your posts, you disqualify yourself for further discussion anyway.
  2. Not here for a new Kill Kill. I love the original. Maybe someday she re-works up AKA completly, but that can wait. I am here for new songs and not the ones I already know and love.
  3. Well, she is currently touring, so I doubt she attends.
  4. Oh now, you've shown me, Make more than 15 posts when you try to come for me.
  5. As much as I love the new direction, I hope she does not completly ditch everything that has to do with BTD. The cinematic sound, the great videos. Whatever song is the next single, The video for West Coast was so underwhelming.
  6. Are u talking about the binus track for Germany? It's the Radio Mix for West Coast
  7. Nun, grün ist gut und schön, aber da is doch nix los. Mit Geschichte braucht man mir nich kommen. Für mich ist mein Date letzte Woche bereits Geschichte. Aber zurück zum Thema: hier werden wir wohl in Deutschland zum ersten Mal die neuen Songs im Live Format hören. Schade, dass es nicht mehr Konzerte gibt. Sie macht sich leider rar in Deutschland dieses Jahr.
  8. The retweet was peobably just because they like the idea of her covering the song. Imagine the backlash if she has 2 cover songs on an album that has 11 songs on it. No way...Plus, the song is just terrible
  9. Die EXPO war da und das war schon schlimm genug. Will man nicht aus Hannover nur raus?
  10. Eh, not really another cover right? I doubt she will do that, would be quite tragic. And I know that song by VAST and it's pretty terrible
  11. watch it being a slow ballad mentioning " red dress" or "daddy". As excited as I am for this record, I am also worried. With 11 tracks and one of them most likely being a cover, there is no room to mess up. I hope she has picked the right ones for the standard and that the lyrics aren't too cliché.
  12. Least excited about Cruel World, tbh. Remember when Lana said that Young & Beautiful is her best written song? Fun times. Most excited about the title track and of course track No.9.
  13. So are they playing the previews, did something happen?
  14. Lol. Only 100 shiny American Dollars? I am not buying anything this cheap. Even bread is more expensive. Byeeeeeeeee
  15. Why can't I see it? So, this means there are no deluxe versions tracks anymore, just 14 ?
  16. This was confirmed fake weeks ago here, not even by me. If it is on UV, congratz
  17. I have a brain and when I look at her tour dates there is no way. Look it up yourself and stop trying to make me look like an idiot, thx.
  18. I thought there was hardly any budget for the WC video and now a short movie kinda video? No way. I am screaming fake or just Lana spilling fake tea again
  19. No chance this is going to happen. Look up her tour dates guys, it's impossible to get that video in June
  20. Said numeroius times before that records come out on a Friday in Germany and that many artists these days say the worldwide release and not just the US release date.
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