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Everything posted by leaked_version

  1. Well yeah, Rob said the same about Tropico and we know how that turned out EDIT, OMG the alberm cover just leaked
  2. Well, you know...I don't mind to wait for an album, that is fine. What I don't understand are all these things that tease us and still no information about a release date. I mean, if the label says idk, Sept 25th or May 17th or whatever, I am okay with it, but this situation is just stupid.
  3. Lana dear, please end this madness, tell all!. People are losing their minds. Thanks
  4. And you still don't know how to quote a post on here. Embarrassing
  5. Lol. You exposed yourself with the way how you quote a post
  6. but he does not know. even Bill Werde only heard of the Beyonce release maybe an hour before it happend. and if she does something like this with videos and all, they can not be the homemade ones and she was nowhere to be seen filming a video. There were reports of Bey filming videos for at least 5 times. Lana is not the suprise release.
  7. The EP was not heavily promoted at all. It had basically one single (if we exclude Blue Velvet) and she did one radio interview for it. That was it. The purpose of the re-release and the EP (even if it was also sold alone) was to give people more LDR material and keep BTD going on the charts, building up her success in America and it worked.
  8. Literally, the first thing that came to mind was that Dan A. obviously dislikes the production on BTD, while Emile is sorta confirmed as one of the producers for the new album? Well, that was a biT shady, wasn't it? And the way he briefly talks about the new record sounds like he produced it all.
  9. I trust Dan, I hope they have delivered and now bring it on. the wait is pathetic
  10. Glastonbury is huge! Great exposure!
  11. I doubt she texted them the setlist in advance. they don't know anything. she doesn't have to do anything she does not want to when she plays. she can play whatever she wants to
  12. I just want to keep my disappointment as little as possible if she doesn't play anything new.
  13. Doesn't the tour start in two weeks? I guess we will find out then. At this point I wouldn't even be suprised if she just plays songs from BTD/P, tbh.
  14. i hope that "down on the westcoast they got a sayin" is noT an actual lyric
  15. Even IF, I don't care anymore, honestly. She could come to my home and play it for me alone and I'd rather watch porn or something.
  16. exactly why I stopped stanning for her over a year ago. I just like this picture
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