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Everything posted by leaked_version

  1. Wasn't Ed supposed to go online here? Oh man, how I wish he did. That would have been a fun conversation
  2. Lana drives around in her car. Love comes up on the radio. Lana makes an Instegram live. "Ahh guys, my new song, on the radio, yaaas". A few days later: takes itunes link off for Love, realises the song is dead. They don't have to release a new song this week or next week, but they could do something way more exciting like previews for example instead of Lana going live on Instagram to say hi. Some of you may hate me for always pointing out how lackluster their release strategies and handling a release after a song is out are, but the way how everything gets handled is extremly poor and unexciting for us fans. That is something we can all agree on.
  3. Love is over. Next one please! because it flopped. That's why.
  4. LMAO. That flop bitch ended no one. Nicki wakes up from the dead every time she smells a big check comin
  5. was he No.1 on the single charts? I doubt it. Maybe Nicki has a few verses for Lana if homegirl paid a check
  6. you seem way too snobbish about your music taste. Dylan is OVER!
  7. I guess I'll have to wait for the scat gifs first. That will be a sign
  8. i feel like all of this talk about collabs is blown out of proportion
  9. Lana is a Rihanna stan. Shady bitch followed Rihanna and Adele the day before the Grammys
  10. It's not just a gif. It's a stance of triumph. Let's make Lana great again
  11. And there goes your chance for a carefree life in Western Europe
  12. Stay in lane is all I will say
  13. Use the Adele gif otherwise you are not part of the gay gang
  14. Look at you avi. Dated since 2010. Be better
  15. I just noticed that we have a member browsing this thread called LanaDelReich. Let us give a shoutout to Tay Tay
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