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Everything posted by leaked_version

  1. it's not a new thing that this fanbase gives zero shit about lana. when everybody who has posted on here for the last ten or so pages is nothing more than just a mentally challenged attention seeker and should probably just go to a local shrink instead of posting. i wonder what happend to this place. there used to be nice ppl on here who legit had something to say. now it's all just a mess and i can not believe some of you even think of yourselves as funny or witty.
  2. I wonder when exactly the mentally unstable Lil Monsters have decided to become Lana Del Rey stans.
  3. wasn't he also insulting rihanna before dueting with her? wasn't he also mad at britney but secretly in love?
  4. I predicted months ago that she will say something after the Superbowl. Looks like I was right. Probably she will wait another 2-3 weeks until she announces something. Mr Man is at the same label like she is and will get a SB boost for a week or two.
  5. yeah, honeymoon was not really easy to sit through in one listen. it was not really streaming-friendly. the songs were too slow. And yeah, just not really well-shaped as a body of work. Of course I know ppl disagree with me on this, but this is my take on it
  6. I can tell you that this source is wrong. The album was at 604k in January and by then it was out of every chart around the globe. These days, albums that are out of the charts don't sell additional 300k worldwide. Sales are dead in general, however somebody like Halsey should have never ever gotten to the point of outselling Lana. Plus, Badlands was a success on streaming services whereas Honeymoon tanked. I think she and her team need to come up with some sort of ideas of selling her material.
  7. Pls post me the link of 900k. I have yet to see it. And the update in January was 604k and the album was dead by then.
  8. actually badlands outsold honeymoon. but, before ppl start talking way too much about a surprise release, lana's team is not capable of orchestrating such a thing. it would simply generate zero buzz on it's own, sadly.
  9. probably not, but for the first time in her career it would be a smart choice to do it. she would kill any chances of attention seekers to ruin the era for her
  10. Currently I am also leaking like a wet tampon. Just wanted to let everybody know.
  11. she hasn't looked this good in years I sense that the blonde hair will make a return at some point. her hair is gettin lighter again
  12. she needs to announce that alboom now and steal beyonce's thunder now that she is pregnant.
  13. peacock, roar, dark horse, teenage gurls and hot n cold
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