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Everything posted by leaked_version

  1. leaked_version


    Where is actually the problem with just not saying anything at all and just drop the album? That post was really quite prententious and corny. Is she really turning into Taylor?
  2. She literally said to Eclipse that she is still working on it and that there is a release date. So there must be a deadline for the album to be finished in order to be released at a specific date. Eminem and Gaga relesed with one week in between back in 2013. Neither Gaga nor Lana are Interscope's biggest artists in 2016.
  3. so much drama over basically nothing? I mean, we still don't know anything about a new album.
  4. no1curry about the past. past presence in the future. we want new stuff.
  5. Oh my god, no exaggeration Boy, all this time was worth the waiting I just shed a tear, I am so unprepared You got the finest architecture End-of-the-rainbow-looking treasure Such a sight to see, and it's all for me
  6. I haven't seen that floor that MariNO can swipe the floor with anybody, tbh.
  7. Dude, most reactions online towards Art Deco were overwhelmigly positive.
  8. It has zero. Everybody hated the song in the beginning and very few ppl like it now. The perception of West Coast was pretty mixed, but ppl realised very quickly that it was a great song. That never happend with Honeymoon. Most ppl actually praise AD, so your point is invalid
  9. Honeymoon (the song) shouldn't exist, let alone be a promo single and the first track that has killed all anticipation. The promo singles should have been High By The Beach, Salvatore, Music To Watch Boys To, Art Deco. She really needs to release the best songs off the album as promo singles and make them real singles later on, And since she ain't too keen on prmoting live on TV, she can easily perform every week a new song off the album on her VEVO channel with her band. Like, rent a room with a nice accoustic and perform every week a song for like 5-6 weeks in total. Something like the live version of Blue Jeans on her Vevo.
  10. Lana just infermed me via Snapchat that she is doing a Grammy live performance
  11. This is the thing. I mean, she doesn't even rehearse most of her new material with the band. You guys have forgotten how before she started with Salvatore she said that "the guys don't know to play this one". Like, this is the thing that upsets me. She is the boss. They have to know the material and she needs to rehearse it with them. They need to fucking know it. And yes, I agree with your statement about "I don't want things to be forgotten". I mean, she doesn't do anything to actually own it. She allows it to be forgotten. She "wants to be witnessed" (like she said in the Beats 1 interview) but is hardly showing up, so to say. Personally, I do belive that the money and the bling thing is somewhat true. When she doesn't get the immidiate reaction commercially and the backup from her label, she gives up. And nobody is talking about flopping here though @OnlyGod.
  12. I think some of you actually confuse promo with bling. Promoting your material is also showcasing your talent, showcasing her songs live on stage. She still plays her old songs most of the time when she performs live. There is no purpose in releasing new material if you are not owning it and are proud of singing new songs live, get them played on the radio, put effort into making beatiful videos (not high budget ones, but still beautiful and interesting). You want your music to be heard. So many artists would kill to be in the position she is in.
  13. I think we are thirsting over the fact that we haven't gotten a well- executed album release since BTD. Such a shame. UV had so much potential, looking back no other popgirl release came close to it since release and she just wasted it. HM felt so random as an afterthought to whatever afterthought it was meant to be, but we want her to put some effort into actually executing an album era. She is, however not interested in that. And we will be left behind disappointed. At least I hope this album is more dynamic than HM.
  14. And you know, it's fine she is making the records she wants to make. However, she did collab with some amazing people and nothing on the album offers some insight that is either deeply personal or interesting in pop cultural context. The last song is apparently about Trayvon Martin, but it falls so short about being an actual statement. It's just too whiny. No depth, nothing provocative, nothing that makes you think. This is however what Gaga has been doing ever since BTW. She is not like one of her biggest inspirations (Madonna or Bowie) sharp as a knife, she just bursts into tears, crying over her own words. And that's all fine if you enjoy this sort of entertainment. I am done with this discussion anyway. Those who enjoy the album do it, I just gave my few cents to it, that her devoted fans don't care about anyway.
  15. I have zero trouble calling you the same what you are calling me. If you think that it is the way you can talk to be as a mod, fine, but I honestly don't give a damn responding in the way I do,
  16. If there was, it would have been all over the internet within seconds.
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